(no subject)

Mar 11, 2006 12:42

I've decided to partner with CafePress for my shirt printing needs, as I've worked with them for quite some time and had my random crap shop open with them when I wanted some custom style prints for myself foorrr like a year almost now. They've been good to me, and they finally have a great affiliate program for artists to put their stuff on the webbie, so I signed up and now soon you'll be seeing a link to that shop on the Site.

That paragraph was constructed horribly, I'm so bad with run-on sentences.

I finished Sara's wedding piece. I'm so sad I'm giving it away, it's so adorable I can't stop looking at it and I wish I could share pictures with you but I reeeally can't until the 26'th :[ like you care. WHATEVER, ONE DAY THIS JOURNAL WILL HAVE MORE FRIENDS THAN JASON SHO GREEN.

Iiii goooot paaayyeeeed, so I'm buying the long-board canvas once it stops raining cats and dogs to do Marching the Hate Machine into the Sun. I'm EXTREMELY excited about this piece, and I'm going to be doing way too much canvas sketching to make sure it doesn't turn out like crap. Thank GOD I bought those gigantor black and white oil tubes, I'm a smart cookie.

Reminder to self: pick up a batch of heavy duty erasers and a non-shitty pencil sharpener at the store I have 600 some odd pencils and all of them are either unsharpened, dull or lack erasers. Great.

In the meantime, I need to finish up my fantasy swan purse, I don't remember what I titled it anymore but I kinda fancy calling it "Fantasy Swan", even though that toootally goes against my normal grain of naming pieces after song titles.

However, that swan was inspired by my longtime favorite artist Junko Mizuno, who has a line of coaster sets called "Chika Fantasy Night" WHICH I OWN AND LOVE DEARLY. And it just happened to be the thing I set my tea cup down on when I was working on the swan soooo....I dunno, homage kinda, right? Who am I kidding, she will never know who I am :[[[

I'm going to address the topic of me getting any sort of fame through this art delio. This is highly doubtful, but I can't stop doing it, and there's a handful of people who like my stuff and I figure I've at least brought some fun color concepts into their lives. You know? Yeah.

Also, on a sidenote. The first time I ever sold any of my pieces was on ebay and some guy bought all 5 of the paintings I put up. One of them was just a dark aqua colored background with super bright, neon red/orange thick stripes going diagonally on the canvas. I have no idea where he hung that piece, and I'm kind of curioius, because if you look at it for more than a few seconds your eyes start to hurt and you start seeing the room around you go really dark. Seriously, I'd really like to track that guy down, because where he hung that piece would be really telling of the kind of person he is and his decor. I'm pretty sure he had a kid if I'm not mistaken, that poor blind baby.

I'm avoiding studying for a psychology test that I'm pretty sure I'm going to ace anyway, so today there'll be a lot of sketching going on for the shirt print design. And maybe if I like it enough, I'll put up the linkage to it on my website with the cafe press merch all set up.

Yay? yeah.

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