Sign-Ups are now open!

Jul 17, 2014 00:30

We thank you all for the plentiful nominations, you can now sign-up here on AO3.

The Tag Set for the approved fandoms and characters can be found HERE.

If you are new to AO3 exchanges, we have provided a small tutorial to help with the process!

  • This year, we also allow fandoms with only one nominated character. Please note that you have to choose the option "Any Character" if your requested or offered fandom only has one character.

  • If a character doesn't turn up in drop-down menu, simply copy and paste it from the tag set. This is a small issue on AO3's behalf, but if the character is entered exactly as nominated, the sign-up should go through fine.
  • A letter to your author is optional. Most people post these on their tumblr, Livejournal or Dreamwidth -- any publicly available space is fine. If you don't have much to say, you can leave your ideas in the prompt text area. Most authors will be glad to have at least some sort of guidance on what their recipient likes and dislikes.
  • Remember to sign up with requests and offers for at least three fandoms each.
  • Offers work in the same manner, minus the 'More Information' and 'Prompt Idea' boxes.
  • The Signup Summary will be available after five people have signed up. You can see how many people have requested/offered each fandom. Offers for each fandom will not show up unless a request is made.
  • Don't worry about requesting/offering characters that don't interact in canon. You will be matched on only one of them, and you only have to write one of them.

We still have clarifications pending for the following characters:

Memory Sorrow and Thorn - Tad Williams

Westmark - Lloyd Alexander
Cabbarus (Westmark)
Sparrow (Westmark)
Stock (Westmark)
Weasel (Westmark)

If any of you can confirm the existence of these characters, they will still be added to the tag set.

!mod post, year: 2014, sign-ups

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