Monster Mash: The Halloween Dare (Draco Malfoy/Victoire Weasley)

Oct 25, 2021 21:50

Title: The Halloween Dare
Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Victoire Weasley
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2331
Summary: On a dare, Victoire visits Malfoy Manor on Halloween. Sh hears some noises in the dark outside and curiosity gets the better of her.
Author's Notes: Written for the prompt, "Noises in the dark." Hope you guys enjoy reading this!

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“You wouldn’t,” giggled Victoire as she took in what her sister had just said. It was a Friday night and she was celebrating Halloween with some close family and friends. Victoire and Teddy had dressed up as slutty Aurors (well mostly her) while everyone else had some costume or the other.

“Is Ms. Victoire too old to partake in such exciting adventures,” teased Lucy. Victoire’s nostrils flared at such a suggestion.

“It’s not Victoire’s age that’s causing her to chicken out,” said her friend Auburn.

“First of all, I haven’t even said that I wouldn’t do it,” retorted Victoire.

They were playing a drinking game and Victoire had been dared to apparate to Malfoy Manor. While nowhere near as dangerous as it used to be (in fact her cousins Albus and Rose had spent countless days there), it was still an eerie place to go especially at night. And especially on Halloween.

“I’ll go with you,” said Teddy, putting an arm around her.

“No, only Victoire by herself. Or she could face the punishment,” said Dominique.

There was a glint in Dominique’s eyes that made Victoire know she did not want to face whatever Dominique would come up with.

“I’ll go,” said Victoire defiantly.

“Are you sure?” asked Teddy, but he was drowned out by the cheers of everyone else.

She pecked his lip before getting up.

“If you’re not back soon I’m going to come,” warned Teddy.

“Remember, you have to sneak inside the manor.”

Rolling her eyes, Victoire grabbed her wand and disapparated. The first thing she felt when she appeared outside the Manor was the chill of the night. Goosebumps appeared on her skin, and she couldn’t help but wish she had at least brought a sweater. Despite having visited a few times before, Victoire was still a bit spooked out by the ominous facade.

Draco Malfoy had changed and Astoria had always been really nice to her. Plus Rose and Albus had come here many times.

“There is nothing to be scared of,” she thought to herself.

Knowing that Dominique had a very strict definition of what constituted sneaking inside the Manor, Victoire decided that going to the gardens would be the safest. After all there wasn’t really a gate blocking it and odds were that she wouldn’t be noticed.

She knew it was near the back of the manor, so she walked around, wand held high. Sure, it should be safe, but a little caution never hurt anyone. She soon saw some flowers and sure enough, there was nothing stopping her from entering.

“Walking through a little bit should satisfy Dom.”

Careful not to make any noise, she walked through along the path that led to the garden. Crossing an imaginary border Victoire made her way to turn around and apparate before a noise stopped her.

While any normal person would have just gotten away, Victoire’s Gryffindor instincts took over. She held her wand up high trying to identify the source of the sound. It sounded like rustling in the plants, but louder than a small animal. As she crept over, she really wasn’t sure what was causing her to do this. It clearly was unsafe and she should have just left, but alcohol makes people do dumb things.

Every time Victoire thought she identified the source of the noise, it suddenly moved somewhere else. Just as she was about to give up, she felt a bright light upon her.

“Drop your wand,” said Draco Malfoy in a loud and stern voice.

Victoire didn’t even have to drop it as it slipped out of her hand.

“What the fuck?” said Draco as he walked closer to finally see her.

“Victoire Weasley?”

“Yes, it’s me,” said Victoire in what she hoped was an innocent manner. She was hoping that she could just explain herself and leave.

But that all changed when she looked up at him.

She had always been fascinated by Draco and had always found him quite attractive, but there was something else she felt when he stood there in front of her. He had a coat that oozed class while even his pajamas were fancier than anything she had seen. Arousal pooled up in her as she replayed all her teenage fantasies of the blonde wizard.

But it seemed like she wasn’t the only one affected. Rather than looking angry, he had a more shocked and somewhat predatory look on his face. It was then that Victoire remembered that she was still wearing her slutty costume. Yes, she had fantasized about Draco as a teenager, and after Hogwarts if she was not lying, but this was definitely not what she had expected. In fact, this was probably better given how depraved some of those fantasies were. It didn’t help that her hard nipples were peaking through her top.

“What exactly are you doing here?”

As she explained the backstory, she could tell that Draco was barely paying attention to her. Well he was paying attention to her body, but not what she was saying. When she finally ended with the rustling noise in the woods, he suddenly laughed.

Walking closer to her he said, “That is the little trap we have for trespassers in the manor. It’s a charm that simulates movement to keep the intruder until one of us can come out.”

She could feel the heat emanating from his body as he got closer. She had never been with Draco alone, and would be lying if she said her body wasn’t aching for him. And the alcohol wasn’t helping.

“I’m sorry Mr. Malfoy.”

“Oh, sorry isn’t going to cut it. You know I can have you charged with trespassing which is a pretty serious crime. Or maybe, you can give me a reason not to alert the Aurors.”

He said that final statement with a tone of suggestion. As if he expected her to act on it. The thought of sucking him off so she wouldn’t get in trouble sent a pool of wetness to her knickers.

“What are you thinking?” she thought to herself.

She was brought out of her dirty thoughts by a chuckle.

“I’m just kidding. You can’t think I was being serious?”

Evidently her lack of reaction gave it away. He came even closer and she could feel his breath on her when he spoke, “Do you want me to punish you? Is that why you’ve come here barely wearing clothes?”

Victoire blushed before responding, “I already told you it was just for a dare. Do you really think I would do something like that?”

“Well I would,” she thought to herself.

Evidently he agreed as he smoothed his palms up her side. She couldn’t help but gasp at his touch. His hands caressed up her side and she could feel the hardness of his length.

She backed away from him, her body already missing his touch.

“You can’t ask for sex in exchange for not pressing charges.”

“I think we’re past that stage. Whether I call the Aurors or not, I think we both know that you wanted this to happen.”

“I told you I came here as a dare. Plus you’re married and I’m dating Teddy.”

He stepped closer, his hands finding her hips as he whispered in her ear, “That didn’t stop you from flirting with me at Albus’ birthday party.”

He kissed the sensitive spot right below her ear sending shivers throughout her body.

“Tell me to stop and I will,” he said while kissing down her neck.

“What about Astoria?” asked Victoire as she arched her neck giving him more access.

He kissed the base of her neck and said, “You don’t seem concerned at all about the fact that you’re in a relationship.”

She brought his head up to hers and said, “I love Teddy. I’ll always be with him and he won’t care if I stray one night, especially for someone who is only going to be a fuck.”

He smashed his lips to hers kissing her passionately. Victoire responded with equal fervor as his lips prodded for entry. She finally opened up to him and relished in the feeling of his hot tongue exploring the depths of her mouth. Her hand traced across his clothed chest as she couldn’t believe that her fantasies about Draco were about to become reality.

He pulled away slightly, his nose brushing hers every so gently. His lips brushed hers again as she sighed with pleasure. She felt his right hand move its way up her body before grabbing her breast. Victoire’s body arched back instinctively as his lips trailed down her neck.

“Oh, Draco don’t stop,” she moaned as his tongue licked across her pale skin. Her breath hitched as he nuzzled and nipped at her neck taking his time, slowly turning her on while his hand moulded her breast. While it wasn’t as amazing as the youthful vigor of Teddy, this was the first time she had been with an experienced man, and she was thoroughly enjoying the experience.

The fact that this was so wrong only turned her on even more. While she figured Draco was more experienced, she didn’t realize how much of a difference that it would make.

Her knickers were soaked and Victoire knew a few concealment and cleaning charms were needed before heading back, but she wanted more. She appreciated him taking the time to taste her skin, but she was in a time crunch. To make her desires known, she grabbed his length. He gasped against her neck, but seemed to get the message as he took her skin between his lips sucking hard. His smooth caresses soon turned into roughly pinching and pulling at her nipples while he started biting across her neck leaving marks.

“Is this what you want?”

“We need to hurry up since Teddy will come looking for me soon.”

She could see the change of expression on Draco’s face at the mention of Teddy but that changed as she used her wand to vanish both their clothes.

She could see his eyes greedily rake over her body. She was hot and she knew it. After all she was part Veela. For his part, Draco was still fit and attractive. He definitely had the body that Victoire had always imagined. She could only hope Teddy would age like him.

She wasn’t sure who moved first but next thing she knew she was sitting on the table with Draco hovering over her.

His length brushed against her inner thighs as his hands found her hips. He dipped his head and licked up the valley between her breasts before finally thrusting into her. They both groaned at the sensation of their coupling.

His face continued to be buried in her breasts pushing her back onto the table as he thrust at a steady pace. The constant stream of pleasure made Victoire forget where she was and who she was with. While one hand held her tight in place, the other pinched at her clit. Meanwhile his lips found her right breast while she held his head tight against her. It was one thing to have wet dreams about Draco, and it was another to actually have the real thing. His lips suckling on her nipple was better than any fantasy she had dreamed of.

His lips and fingers moved in tandem with his thrusts and all Victoire could do was writhe under him. She lifted her hips to slightly change the angle of their coupling to induce more waves of pleasure throughout her body.

Suddenly, he pulled away and Victoire raised her body to inquire why. She was immediately pushed down as he kissed her hard and rough. His hot tongue dueled against hers as he resumed thrusting at a frenetic pace. Victoire wrapped her legs around his waist giving him deeper access as she got lost in the bliss of his body on hers. There was no taking his time now as they both chased an orgasm. She held onto him for dear life as he buried his face into the crook of her neck before they came in unison.

While she would have loved to enjoy the afterglow of a hot shagging session, she knew that Teddy could appear any second. Pushing him off her, she grabbed her wand and performed the necessary concealment charms. Draco’s look of surprise turned into understanding and he waved over their clothes.

It was good timing as just then she could hear Teddy’s voice in the distance.

“Victoire, where are you? Are you ok?” he asked worriedly.

“I’m here,” she yelled. Teddy finally came into view and rushed to give her a hug when he saw her. She relaxed into his tight embrace. Shagging Draco may have been amazing, but Teddy’s body was where she truly belonged.

Turning to face Draco, Teddy asked, “What are you doing here?”

“Well it’s my manor,” he smirked.

“Did he do anything to you?”

“Nothing, he was quite a gentleman. He just heard some noises in the dark and came to investigate and that’s how he found me.”

“I’m sorry, we were just drunk and Victoire was dared,” said Teddy.

“Victoire already explained and gave me a good reason not to call the Aurors.”

“Teddy, I’m cold, can we head back?”

Ever the dutiful boyfriend, he gave her his sweater before walking her out.

“Until next time,” shouted Draco.

“Oh there definitely will be a next time,” thought Victoire.

And Victoire would make sure that they had more time. All she had to do was ask Aunt Ginny how Albus was doing and that would inevitably lead her to make plans with Astoria for afternoon tea. And then whatever afternoon they were meeting, Victoire would coincidentally have to do urgent shopping in Muggle London. It’s just that she would take a quick detour that would involve Malfoy spending hours pleasuring her. After all, she still had to be punished for trespassing. 

*het, user: vitruvian8008, .fest: monster mash 2021, pairing: draco/victoire

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