Title: Love and Affection
Pairing: Charlie/Lee
Prompt: snowed in
Length: 335 words
Rating: PG13
Warnings: none
Summary: The rest of the time they spent snowed in consisted of nothing but showing how much they loved and cared for one another.
Notes: this is also for the up to 50 pairings challenge, and December writing month.
Lee stared at the cabin window which was obscured by snow.
He hadn’t quite believed Charlie when his boyfriend had told him how deep the snow drifts could get here. They wouldn’t be able to get out the door.
Weather charms were all well and good, but it was best not to mess with Mother Nature so they would be leaving it to melt before trying to leave.
“I did warn you that the winters here were worse than at home,” Charlie commented.
His boyfriend slipped his arms around his waist and rested his chin on his shoulder.
“I know, but seeing it is completely different. How do people get on with their lives here?” he wondered aloud.
Lee was thinking mostly of muggles. He had no idea what they would use to get rid of the snow.
“They’ve just learnt to adapt over time. Luckily for me the dragons at the reserve melt the majority of the stuff because of how warm they are.”
“I do like it though. It makes this place feel nice and cosy,” Lee said.
“I’m glad you like it, and I’m also glad that you’re settling in okay,” Charlie said, softly.
It had only been three months since Lee had moved to Romania, but he had fit right in. Almost like he was meant to be there all along.
“I am as well. I was a little nervous to begin with as it was such a big decision, but now there’s no place I’d rather be,” Lee admitted, turning his head towards Charlie.
Lee then placed a kiss on the corner of his mouth.
“I’m happy that we’re snowed in. It means I can show you just how much I love you,” Charlie said, turning Lee’s face even more towards him.
He started their kiss again which was fuelled by the love he held for Lee.
The rest of the time they spent snowed in consisted of nothing but showing how much they loved and cared for one another.