Author: tania_sings
Recipient: lorena_98
Title: For the Record
Pairing: Neville/Pansy
Request: neville/pansy --- couple years after war, beginning with a friendship
Rating: R for language only -- sorry, that's actually quite unlike me but the smut just wasn't coming.
Word Count: 1521
Summary: Neville's a war hero. Pansy's something else.
Author's Notes: My first foray into the Harry Potter fandom, and I've written het. Neville/Pansy het. Unbelievable, but they got into my head and wouldn't leave me alone until I finished it.
(This needs some new tags -- thanks!)
A letter filed with Jones, Brown and Wyvernspawn; Attorneys at Law (May 2002)
Attn: Neville Longbottom
This letter is to officially inform you that I will be taking legal action against both you and your publishers regarding your depiction of me in your recent memoir, "I Also Lived; A Gryffindor's Tale". To refer to me as "A pugfaced loser... who would have handed over the saviour of the wizarding world to protect her own, blotchy, skin" (pages 401-402) is both defamatory and insulting. You can expect me to file suit within seven days, should an official retraction not be made in the Daily Prophet inside this time.
P. Parkinson
A letter from the offices of Jones, Brown and Wyvernspawn; Attorneys at Law (May 2002)
Dear Miss Parkinson:
Our client, Mr. Neville Longbottom, wishes to remind you that his representation of your actions during the Second War is in no way false, as hundreds of eye witnesses will attest that you openly suggested surrendering Harry Potter in order to save your own life.
Regarding the comment on your appearance, Mr. Longbottom suggests you consult a yearbook.
No retraction is planned at this time.
Sincerely yours,
Dimanthius Wyvernspawn; esq.
A letter to Jones, Brown and Wyvernspawn; Attorneys at Law (June 2002)
Would you mind reminding your precious client that I was SEVENTEEN YEARS OLD!?! Seventeen, for fuck's sake! And I didn't want to die! That's a crime? I deserve to have my life ruined for that? The bloody chosen one was never anything but horrid to me -- I should have cared about him? It's not enough that no one wants to know me anymore, and I have to bag groceries for a bunch of fucking muggles to pay my bills since no wizard will hire me, and none of my old friends want anything to do with me and people shout things at me in the streets and throw things and
Never mind, You can tell Neville I won't sue. The last thing I want is more attention. I just wish
Never mind.
Pansy Parkinson
A letter from the desk of Professor Neville Longbottom (June 2002)
Dear Pansy:
I got word from my lawyers today. They say you're not planning to sue me anymore. Thanks for that.
Pansy, they also sent me your letter. I just wanted to say sorry if I hurt you. I never thought about you reading what I wrote. I mean, I think you were wrong, with what you did, before, but I could have found a better way to say it. I should have.
Anyway, I'm sorry. If there's anything I can do, you can always write to me at Hogwarts.
A howler, delivered to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (June 2002)
An excerpt from a firecall, placed to the office of Professor Neville Longbottom (August 2002)
"Neville ... Neville, are you there? I just ... Neville I can't take it anymore. They came back, there's rubbish all over the garden and you should read what they wrote on the side of the house ... Neville? Merlin, what's the point? What do you care? It's just I thought, maybe, you -- Neville, please be there. Please get this message. I'm so scared. It's not just them. Neville, I'm scared of what I might do..."
From the Daily Prophet (August 2002)
Renowned war veteran Neville Longbottom proved once again that he is a true hero, when arrived last night at the home of one Pansy Parkinson just in time to summon mediwizards to her aid.
Parkinson had allegedly consumed a dangerously large amount of sleeping solution in a supposed suicide attempt. Mediwizards at St. Mungo's were able to administer an antidote, and Parkinson is now reported to be in stable condition.
Longbottom made this statement to the press:
"It's so important to remember all the victims of the Second War. That includes the children who spent their whole lives hearing stories about the great and mighty Dark Lord. They were brainwashed to be sympathisers; they didn't know anything else. I've been thinking a lot about this lately, and I think the wizarding community has got to offer some support to these people. It's only right."
A card attached to a delivery of flowers from Sprout and Shoot Florists (September 2002)
Pansy, they say I'm still not on your approved visitors list, and I guess you have your reasons for that. I won't bother you, if that's not what you want. But I'm thinking about you. Too little too late, maybe, but I'm thinking about you now. The offer's still open. If you need anything, I'm here.
Make the effort to get well. It'll be worth it.
Letter from the desk of Pansy Parkinson; Press Secretary of the War Reparation Project (January 2004)
Dear Neville:
Happy New Year!
I guess you're probably wondering why I didn't get in touch sooner. Or maybe not, you'd know the protocol after someone saves your life with their dashing heroics better than me. Anyway, I wanted to wait until I had something good to report. I guess that's because you saw me at my lowest, and I didn't want you thinking I was some kind of hopeless case.
Neville, I can't thank you enough. Not just for saving me, but for what you said to the papers afterwards. People I hadn't seen in years came out of the woodwork overnight. Not that I have any use for them; real friends would have stood by me no matter what. But people stopped spitting at me in the streets, the firecalls in the middle of the night stopped, and I got this job, which I love so much that I can't even begin to tell you. I really think I'm doing something good here. It's a new feeling.
I think you saved my life in more ways than one that night.
I'll be in Hogsmeade next week, for a conference. I'd love to buy you a drink.
With gratitude,
Pansy Parkinson
PS: I've been thinking about you too.
From Rita Skeeter's Witch's Weekly Whispers column (February 2004)
The rumors have been flying for weeks, and now WWW can be the first to confirm that the odd couple of the millenium are indeed an item!
War hero Neville Longbottom and Moldy Voldy collaboratress-turned-basket-case-turned-do-gooder Pansy Parkinson were seen canoodling at the Ministry's annual Valentine's Day gala last Saturday. Percy Weatherby, Assistant to the Assistant to the Assistant Director of Magical Waste Disposal is quoted as saying, "They were carrying on like teenagers. It was terribly inappropriate for a charity official and a Hogwarts professor."
When contacted for a statement, Longbottom offered WWW this official response:
"You can all kiss my arse. We're happy."
From the prologue to "Repenting and Rebuilding", by Pansy Longbottom (January 2009)
There are so many people I have to thank, without whom this book never would have been written.
First of all, my wonderful agent and editorial team, for helping me organize my thoughts and memories into what I hope is a coherent account of one woman's mistakes and her attempts to rectify them. You're all marvelous people, and I wish you well.
Second, Susan Bones, the founder of the War Reparation Project, who gave me the chance I needed to turn my life around. Susan, your family suffered as much as any because of what people like my family did, and your generousity and willingness to forgive are inspirational.
Next, my best friend for the last four years, Marietta Edgecombe. Ettie, you know as well as I do what it's like to have your parents prod you into actions that you know are wrong and how hard it is to find your way out of that dark place. More than anyone else, this book is dedicated to the confused, misguided little girls we were. Baby, look at us now!
Finally, this book could never have been written without the amazing support of my dear husband, Neville. This is the man who came to my defense before I deserved it, who believed so much in the good in me that I couldn't help but find it myself, and who gave me the strength, not only to live, but to make my life worthwhile. Because of you, I now know all about "a power he knows not".
This book contains all I have to say. There will be no sequel. From now on, my legacy will be my work through the project and my sweet little Frank. So read on. And judge me if you like. But please don't judge me until you've read everything.