deathlydragonTitle: Constellations of Love
Pairing: Caradoc Dearborn/Dorcas Meadowes
Request: Destiny
Rating: PG
Word Count: 394
Summary: The stars are people, the crackling fires of our souls.
Author's Notes: This came very close to becoming quite sad and angsty, but somehow I managed to keep it sweet and fluffy for you! I write too much angst, anyway, writing happy moments is good for me. I've never written these characters before, so I really hope you like this! To the Mods, I didn't see a tag for this pairing. :)
It was nearly dark, the sun casting shadows over the grass, and Caradoc Dearborn lay on his back in the yard, staring up at the sky as the stars slowly twinkled into view. "We haven't had a night like this in a while," he said quietly. "It's beautiful, isn't it?"
Beside him, Dorcas Meadowes rolled over onto her side, so that she could watch the profile of her lover. He looked best like this, she thought, his handsome face illuminated by the last rays of the sun, his soft mouth smiling for once. She was all too used to his frown, the way his eyes darkened when he talked about the war. Here they were happy, relaxed in the protected boundaries of their safe house. "Oh, I adore watching the stars," said Dorcas, placing a gentle kiss upon Caradoc's cheek before settling back down beside him, looking up with him at the gathering night.
"You know," he said, slowly, "I've always thought the stars were people."
"Oh?" Dorcas raised her eyebrows. "How so?"
"The crackling fires of our souls," said Caradoc, "released into the universe upon our demise."
Dorcas frowned and pinched his arm. "That's awful morbid," she said. "Let's not be morbid tonight, please. Can't we have one night of peace, just for once?"
"It's not morbid at all," Caradoc said earnestly, turning to face her. His fingers tenderly traced the line of her jaw. "Out there, in the sky, we keep living. We shine on forever. It's always peace; it's an eternity of peace. And all of your loved ones will be there beside you, creating constellations of love."
Despite herself, she smiled. "And which constellation will we be, dear Caradoc?"
He laughed, his voice husky in the growing gloom. "Something amazing, I'm sure."
"Perhaps a lion," said Dorcas, her smile widening. "Or a phoenix."
"Or a pair of embracing lovers," said Caradoc, rolling over on top of her. Dorcas shrieked and laughed beneath him, wriggling playfully as he kissed her neck and chest.
"Don't worry," he said, voice muffled as he pressed his face into her neck, inhaling her scent. "No matter how or when we get there, we'll be there together. It's our destiny, Dorcas; you can be sure of that."
Dorcas smiled serenely and squeezed Caradoc tighter to her, trying not to think of the implications of his statement.