Nominations are now open!

May 31, 2015 16:41

Nominations are now open here. They're going up a little early due to the possibility that neither mod will have much internet access until tomorrow afternoon.

All nominations for Hulk, The Incredible Hulk, Iron Man/2/3, Captain American: The First Avengers/The Winter Soldier, Thor, Thor: The Dark World, and the Avengers/Age of Utron will all be grouped under the Marvel Cinematic Universe tag.

Agent of SHIELD characters should not be nominated under MCU.

All nominations for New Who and Classic Who will be grouped under the Doctor Who tag. (This does not apply to Torchwood and other stand-alone spin-offs.)

DCU (Comics), Marvel (Comics), and similarly board categories (an author's complete works, Actor RPF, etc,) will not be accepted as fandom nominations as they are too broad. Please try to make a more specific/narrower fandom nomination.

The "All Media Types" fandom tag is only acceptable as long all versions of the canon are nearly identical and have the same characters.

If there is any objection to the above, please feel free to let us know why, and we'll consider it.

Please remember to check the list of ineligible pairings before posting your nominations. This is not a complete list by any means and will be updated as we run across new ineligible pairings.

A post will go up within the next few days that will contain a list of rejected pairings and the reason why.
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