Title : Wedding Pairing : Yamada x Shida Genre : Fluff Author's note : this is unbeta-ed and I wrote this at 3am in the morning. lol. so sorry if there's grammatical mistakes. XD
kvjdfhvudfobvndof why so cute aaaaaaaaaaaaaa It's... It's... Wedding talk, I... I just... aaaaaaaaaaaa And... And... You inserted UmikaChii~!!! “Woaaaah~ the wedding is at the country club?! Must be so pretty ne!! Someday I want to have a pretty wedding too, with pretty diamond ring, a white tent in the middle of the field, a dance floor glittered by illuminations…” Umika said excitedly, but Shida cut her in the middle. “Umika… you should say all of those things in front of Chinen kun, so he can get some references for the future.” Shida said teasingly. All the girls were burst into laughter. Umika’s face turned red as he glanced shyly to Chinen who was sitting on his desk few tables next to them. She just wanted to make sure that he did not hear that silly comment she made about the wedding. Chinen!! You heard that?? XDXDXD YamaShi's conversation was ncdkjkweowejj awwww awwww The ending part nfvvfvnkorewpewjdf ♥ ILYSM ♥ *hugs*
Comments 28
And it's nice that they recognize that they are in love.
Thanks for reading! ♥
It's... It's... Wedding talk, I... I just... aaaaaaaaaaaa
And... And... You inserted UmikaChii~!!!
“Woaaaah~ the wedding is at the country club?! Must be so pretty ne!! Someday I want to have a pretty wedding too, with pretty diamond ring, a white tent in the middle of the field, a dance floor glittered by illuminations…” Umika said excitedly, but Shida cut her in the middle.
“Umika… you should say all of those things in front of Chinen kun, so he can get some references for the future.” Shida said teasingly.
All the girls were burst into laughter. Umika’s face turned red as he glanced shyly to Chinen who was sitting on his desk few tables next to them. She just wanted to make sure that he did not hear that silly comment she made about the wedding.
Chinen!! You heard that?? XDXDXD
YamaShi's conversation was ncdkjkweowejj awwww awwww
The ending part nfvvfvnkorewpewjdf
Thanks for reading and commenting! XD
*dies of the sweet overload*
Thanks for reading! XD
It's so full of cheese, and drama-like.
Do want!
Thanks for reading! ♥
I love the way you characterized them gksaj their conversation is JUST SO REAL I love everything in this fic 'cept the little umika/chinen um yeah
8DDDDDD ♥♥♥♥♥♥
lol. I'm chinen biased, so I tend to put him on every fic I wrote, even with other pairings xP
Thanks for reading!! ♥
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