Asylum 2009 Report Part Four - Saturday Night

Jun 02, 2009 16:33

Mini-post this time - only 1,753 words!

OK, turns out I did get it a bit wrong time-wise yesterday! Cassie, J & Claire actually missed Amy, Sam and Matt (not Gabe and Malik) - they turned up later (it's actually quite lucky the seats were still free, cause we weren't allowed to save seats obviously) anyhoo, they'd actually missed Richard to get their photo-ops with Jensen, and then missed A, S & M (LAZY TYPING!) for Jared - that actually explains why the first conversation I remember having with Claire that day was her telling me she might be converting (she started the weekend as a diehard Jensen!Girl), but then Cassie and J had to miss Jared's talk for Misha's coffee lounge (which sounds like it was fun, but isn't my story to tell :D).

Anyhoo, this is the great thing about meeting other people at cons - there's always someone to help you remember stuff! Thanks Cassie :o)

So where were we? Ah yes, dinner...

So, much to the relief of the poor waitress (who was great by the way, as were all the hotel staff we interacted with that weekend)(I mean, she did mess up with the peppers thing, but she was nice and polite and really was trying hard...), we left the restaurant so we could make our way back to the main hall for Jason Manns - Cassie and I are both big fans (L is too, but I just LOVE listening to him live and was particularly excited about that part of the event). I had to pop to the ladies so I (stupidly, it turned out) said "you lot go on, I'll see you in there..." which turned out to be akin to saying "I'll be back" or "I may be some time..." I'm exaggerating a tad, but it was a bit stressful... you see, what happened was...

I got to the hall, walked in, and realised Jason was apparently a lot more popular than had occurred to me... and they'd moved most of the chairs out and re-set the room for the concerts (I wasn't expecting that) which meant I was now faced with a HUGE, DARKENED hall with HUNDREDS of people in it... and I had NO IDEA where my chums were... Now, you might be thinking to yourself 'why didn't you just call them?' and that's a good question... And, not being stupid, I DID call, the problem is, L had her phone off from the talks (I don't think she can figure out how to put her phone on silent - she's a bit challenged like that :D) and no-one else could HEAR their phones! Presumably cause they were still on silent...

Anyhoo, I figured they'd notice I was missing and come looking for me eventually, but in the meantime I was basically just wandering around looking like a complete NUMPTY! Eventually some waving caught my eye and I saw my sister waving at me from all the way down at the front (I'd looked there but they must have been in disguise, or under an invisibility cloak or something) so I set off to join em.

There weren't any chairs left, but I'm not too proud to sit on the floor (although my arse doesn't really like it) but just as we were getting settled in they started moving the CD Sale Desk thingy forward so it was right in front of us - the guy doing the moving was looking from us to the stage trying to figure out what to do when J (I think) suggested we could just move L and Cassie's chairs to the other side of the table (i.e. between the table and the stage) and sit there, assuming it was OK with the organisers. They assured us it was OK but made us SWEAR we would stay sitting down. That seemed a bit overly paranoid of them, but the reason became apparent pretty quickly after that!

Claire and I popped to the bar for a well earned round while everyone else was getting situated (one of the Red Shirts, who is also preggers, joined us so we now had a line of 3 chairs set up with the other 3 of us sitting on the floor in front). When we got back, after the Lemonade Explosion, I was talking to Lucy (and therefore facing the side door thingy where the guests had been coming out of all day, The Green Room I suppose) when who should walk out and sit down RIGHT BEHIND US? That's right - GENEVEIVE! I tried not to be too obvious about looking (cause that seemed rude and I didn't want to freak her out) but I wasn't 100% sure it was her at first - she looks quite different in person. Not to sound bitchy but she is actually a LOT prettier in real life (not saying she's not pretty on the show, just that she's a lot more so in person). Also, she's VERY slight! But taller than L was expecting apparently.

AND, THEN! DANNEEL SAT DOWN TOO! There was a seat between them at first but then Genevieve and the girl in the middle swapped places and I felt really self conscious every time I turned around to talk to L, cause I didn't want them to think I was staring or anything, but it's actually kind of hard NOT to stare at Danneel - who is FRIGGING GORGEOUS. I mean, seriously, I'm not into women in that way but she if flippin stunning! And was smiling and giggling and happily chatting to all the Red Shirts and Red Shirts Who Weren't Wearing Red Shirts (who were forming a kind of human shield to either side of us to prevent them from being hassled while on a private night out). It occurred to me later that we were actually forming the front wall of the human shield and I really don't know how much use we'd have been if anyone had decided to get really physical about it!

A LOT of people were coming up trying to talk to them (or possibly just Genevieve, not sure), but were being turned away for what I think are obvious security and common decency reasons. I found out later that Genevieve actually offered to hang around and sign a few autographs and she was reportedly very nice and friendly to everyone.

J did actually talk to her just as we were leaving, we'd stood up to leave and Genevieve caught J's eye and smiled at her so J took the opportunity to say "Hi, nice to see you, it's a shame you weren't at the con" (I'm paraphrasing) and Genevieve apparently (I couldn't really hear) said something along the lines of "Thanks" and that she was sad she couldn't do it but hadn't know about it until recently. She also introduced herself. I always find it adorable when famous people introduce themselves - I find it sweet when they don't just ASSUME you know their name. She also asked after J's (very cool) tattoo and was very nice and sweet and while I might not think a lot of her as an actress, I have to say she came across really well, from what little I saw of her, and I was very chuffed to have had the opportunity to see her in real life.

She and Danneel actually asked the people with the blow-up Castiel if they could have their picture taken with them (and the doll of course), and that was quite a sweet moment - they were all (I think Jason's wife was the woman with them, but I'm guessing) very excited about it and were grinning their heads off! They apparently thought he was brilliant!   EDIT: The lucky lady in question has commented below! Look down to check out her version of events... :o)

So. Apart from that, there was also a concert going on! And there was a little kiddie in front of us dancing around like crazy! He was so cute!!! It also turns out my sister's baby likes Jason's music... she was moving around like mad (which L referred to as dancing. Bless her) and I got up the nerve to put my hand on The Bump (it freaks me out so I don't usually do it. Why does it freak me out, you ask? Because there's a PERSON IN THERE!!!! It's WEIRD!), anyhoo, I was being all calm about it and not jumping when I felt moving, but then she moved around quite a lot just as Jason got to a really good bit of the song and I said (VERY LOUD) "Oh my god! She's DANCING!" (or something like that) and proceeded to get VERY embarrassed about my outburst... I'd had a beer and hadn't slept properly for about FOUR DAYS at this point (still haven't got more than 2 hours in a row).

Jason sang all of my favourite songs, and then did a cover of one of my favourite Leonard Cohen songs (the only one I don't mind being covered, cause the covers are usually pretty good), anyway, when he sings Hallelujah... I can't really describe just how BEAUTIFUL it was.

He also sang Crazy Love and said Jensen would have been there to sing with him but he's a wuss and had gone to bed (my words, not his :D), I actually didn't hear exactly what he said but I think the gist was that he was shattered and had crashed out at the hotel (although he must have felt better after his nap cause he then got up to a bit of Old Lady Rescuing later on... more in Sunday's report). Still, he sang Crazy Love and told us Jensen had suggested WE sing his part - which we did, and very good we were too *G*

It all got a bit chaotic after that, what with the CD Table being right behind us, so L and I left right after Jason left the stage. I fell into bed but somehow STILL didn't manage to get much in the way of actual sleep and was therefore pretty tired on Sunday too! But, I'm getting ahead of myself, for we are only talking about Saturday in this post, and we appear to be done.

End of Saturday Part Three - AKA End of Saturday Report!

Coming up in Sunday Part One...

My sister brings me a blueberry muffin, suggesting she has, in fact, never actually MET me. I have the fastest breakfast known to man. Jensen and Jared are both AWESOME. And we discover Andy can control God...


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