So, not to compete for worst day or anything, but I had a sucky night. We had to drive all the way out to mosquitohaven Methuen. The game was not going particuarly well, we were losing, but not by a lot. But then the umpire started sucking. My mom said something, and they got into disputes.
Making a VERY long story short, he started calling everything on us that he possibly could and over all gave them a good 12 runs that they shouldn't have gotten. In the beginning of one inning, I asked him what he thought the rules were, so that I could play by them ((he was going by the wrong rules, and didn't call the ones that he did understand)). That inning, mom finally said "Are you just going to not call them at all?"
He started to losing his temper really bad. He said "YOU'RE CATCHER SEEMED TO GET IT(me: woah woah woah, buddy. hold up. fuck you and your calls, i don't agree with your ass. you want to make this personal, lets make this personal! come at me skinny ass *grumble*" exept if i said that mom would have flipped) BUT YOU CAN'T!!!" at this point everyone was thinking 'game over'
He made one more bad call, and mom told him that we would forfeit. It wasn't worth keep playing. At this point, he flipped. He came at mom SCREAMING. His fists were up, and Diana and I were ready to rush him if he so much as touched mom. "IT IS SO SAD THAT YOU WOULD DO THIS TO YOUR GIRLS!" (actually, buddy, it's sad that we had to play this long with you)
He started raging away, yelling at every living thing. He turns around, face bright red. The other coach had to restrain him, push him away. He storms back into his car, floors it, and leaves at like 90 mph. It was rediculous.
It's one thing when the ump is bad, it's another when they lose their temper like that. It was scary, I thought someone was going to get hurt. But the worst thing was, I could have beat him down to a pulp (verbally and physically) but if I did anything mom would have pulled a 'you still got to respect them' speach and I would have been in trouble, so I bit my tongue. But the thing is, I have no respect for those who have no respect for others, simple as that.
So that was the game.