Oh and that variant of the poem Gou Jian recites in episode 29, after ripping that bamboo scroll apart:
EDIT: And because I am an obsessive completist, here's the third iteraton as well:
Original (ep 26)
羞愧呀 罪人
羞愧呀 曾經有過的狂妄
羞愧呀 生著不如死亡
夢中熊羆啊 洪水茫茫
大禹在世啊 天下四方
仁慈的上王啊 你是拯救邪惡的力量
既有鯤鵬展翅 何需燕雀翺翔
既有英明的君主 魍魉怎敢安居廟堂
勾踐該去地府徜徉 該到那墳墓裏歌唱
不 勾踐不能死
勾踐死 怎知天恩之再造
勾踐死 怎仰那山岳之高昂
勾踐死 怎看到上王縱橫天下
勾踐死 怎看到上王霸業輝煌
你高車亮馬 金盾銀甲
沐千裏之雄風 卷萬裏之大塵
自東方而來 自九天而降
堯帝爲之歌 舜帝爲之唱
你是天下的霸主 仁慈的力量
你是天恩的化身 大露滋潤
勾踐激神岳之崔嵬 覽滄海之湯湯
Variant 1 (ep 29 beginning)
羞愧呀 罪人
羞愧呀 那曾有過的狂妄
羞愧呀 生著不如死亡
夢中熊罴啊 洪水茫茫
大禹在世啊 天下四方
仁慈的上王啊 你是拯救邪惡的力量
既有鯤鵬展翅 燕雀何必翺翔
勾踐本不該生啊 勾踐該去死亡
既有英明的君主 魍魉何敢安居廟堂
勾踐該死 勾踐該去那地獄裏徜徉 該在墳墓裏歌唱
勾踐死 怎能看到天恩之再造
你是大露之滋潤 天下之再造
激神岳之崔嵬 覽滄海之湯湯
Variant 2 (ep 29 end)
羞愧呀 罪人
羞愧呀 那曾經有過的狂妄
羞愧呀 生著不如死亡
夢中熊羆啊 洪水茫茫
大禹在世啊 天下四方
仁慈的上王啊 你是拯救邪惡的力量
既有鯤鵬展翅 何需燕雀翺翔
不 不能死
勾踐 不能死
勾踐死 怎看到天恩再造
勾踐死 怎看那山岳之高昂
勾踐死 怎看那上王的霸業輝煌
你天恩大降 雨露滋潤
激神岳之崔嵬 覽四海之湯湯
In some ways I think this recitation is better than the first.
(translation of original
Variant 1
O shame
O sinner.
One regrets
That once-held ambition;
One regrets
A life not worth living.
O great bears seen in dreams,
They ford crashing torrents.
O Great Yu who yet lives,
He walks the four corners of the world.
O merciful and compassionate King,
Yours is the strength that delivers us from evil;
You are the embodiment of mercy and compassion.
Great fish leap to soar as roc; why then should a sparrow* fly.
I should not have lived, I should seek death:
Great kings light the realm in wisdom and majesty, and banish fiends that infest ancestral shrines.
I deserve death.
I should be wandering the darkness of hell.
I should be singing deep within the grave.
I must not die.
In death
How can I see the rebirth of heavens' grace.
I cannot see the majesty of these mountains;
I cannot see the High King vanquish the world;
I cannot see the High King's brilliant reign.
O wise and majestic King,
You are dominion of all the realm,
The sweet dew that nourishes the earth,
The rejuvenation of all the land.
Raging at the sacred mountain's rocky peaks,
Watching the mighty ocean's frothing waves.
* 燕雀 swallows and sparrows is the same in both versions; used swallows in the first for its "wheeling flight", but "why then should a swallow fly" made my subvocalisation go "why then should I swallow a fly." >_>
Variant 2
O shame
O sinner.
One regrets
That once-held ambition;
One regrets
A life not worth living.
O great bears seen in dreams,
They ford crashing torrents.
O Great Yu who yet lives,
He walks the four corners of the world.
O merciful and compassionate King,
Yours is the strength that delivers us from evil;
You are the embodiment of mercy and compassion.
Great fish leap to soar as roc; what then a swallow's wheeling flight.
But no; not death.
I must not die.
In death
I cannot see the rebirth of heavens' grace;
In death
I cannot see the majesty of these mountains;
In death
I cannot see that High King's brilliant reign.
O merciful and compassionate King,
O merciful and compassionate King,
You are dominion of all the realm.
You dispense the grace of the heavens,
You are the rains that nourish the earth.
Raging at the sacred mountain's rocky peaks,
Watching the Four Seas' frothing waves.