1. Did you kiss anyone?
2. Did you date anyone?
Date? No. Go out with? Yes.
3. Did you kiss someone when the ball dropped?
4. Did you lose any friends?
5. Did you gain any friends?
One or two. Got a lot closer to others.
6. Did you do something new?
Did bass drumming for a while before I had to drop it due to time constraints. Fun.
7. Did anyone important to you die?
Grampy Tony died, but his mind was gone years ago.
8. Did you change?
It would be impossible not to.
9. Are you happy with last year over all?
Academically, I am more happy with the first half than the second. Socially and romantically, I am much more happy with the second half than the first.
10. What's the best thing that happened to you?
The Case for Mars.
11. Did you fall in or out of love?
12. Are you happy the year is over?
I'm happy the Brown app is in.
13. Are you going to change something about yourself next year?
Consciously? I will try.
14. Do you think 2008 will be a better year then 2007?
It has the potential.
15. Did you lose your virginity in 2007?
16. How many things did you screw up in 2007?
A few academic things and a friendship.
17. Did you go to an amusement park?
I don't think I did. Damn.
18. Did you go to a concert?
I went to my uncle's gig. Does that count?
19. Did you go to any parties?
20. Did you go on a summer vacation?
Sort of. I visited Chicago and went to Maryland twice, and ran around the New Madrid Seismic Zone. No Pemaquid though.
21. Did you lie to your parents?
22. Where did it go?
23. Did you leave the country?
No, unfortunately.
24. Did you have a good birthday?
It rained and I worked on my IQP. The dinner brings bittersweet memories.
25. Did anyone in your family get married?
Two cousins (not to each other).
26. Do you think you grew?
27. Did you dye your hair?
28. removed for retardedness
29. Did anyone sing to you?
30. Did you sing to anyone?
31. Did anyone tell you they loved you?
32. Did you ever go to the hospital?
Yeah, I just got my foot cut into a week and a half ago.
33. What did you drink and eat the most?
Milk and food.
34. Did you change your top friends at least 8 times?
35. Did you change your profile over 10 times?
36. Did you change your default at least 20 times?
Default what?
37. Did you get a tattoo?
Not this year.
38. Did you vote?
39. Did you make a New Years resolution?
40. Did you stick to your New Years resolution from last year? What was it?
I completely forget.
41. Think you'll date someone in 2008?
No, but I'm going out with someone.
42. Where were you when the ball dropped?
Ryan's Ken's apartment.
43. Do you think you will make new friends in 2008?
I fucking hope so.
44. Are you hoping to meet someone special in 2008?
Do you mean romantically? No.
45. How do you feel, now that another year has passed you by?
Anxious about the future.