Title: From Evred to Inda
Fandom: Sherwood Smith's Inda
Characters/Pairings: Evred, Inda
Rating: G
Genre: ... Poetry. IT'S AN ITALIAN SONNET, STFU!!
Word Count: ~115
Notes: Written for my Poetry Workshop class. ... If you don't know the fandom, IT'S OKAY. It's just a really bad poem, after all.
From Evred to Inda
Though I may reign o'er valley, hill, and plain,
The sea escapes my longing, yearning grasp
And therefore you, whose hand I wish to clasp -
For only you may my affections claim.
And though for them I may indifference feign,
I live to once more hear your velvet rasp,
To see your lips but form that damning gasp -
And hope the sea will not become your bane.
Yet when we in that sea town reunite,
I cannot bring myself to go to you,
But merely watch you wander from afar:
Your face familiar, your smile alight.
For though this time has not affected you,
For me, the price has been my courage marred.