Title: Ten Things Bobby Drake Knows About St. John Allerdyce (that no one else does)
Fandom: X-Men: The Movie
Characters/Pairings: Bobby Drake (Iceman), St. John Allerdyce (Pyro)
Rating: PG (just because)
Genre: List format! :D
Word Count: ~500
Notes: This was fun! I like doing these list-things. There's one more following this...
Ten Things Bobby Drake Knows About St. John Allerdyce
(that no one else does)
10) John, despite all the hints and roughness, isn't some kind of runaway street kid without a family. He was born in Sydney, Australia and lived there until his parents and sister died in an auto accident when John was ten. Then his grandmother moved with him to America, first to Nevada and then to Maryland.
Bobby knows this partially because John told him so once and partially because he'd gone with Professor Xavier to try and recruit John the first time, before Mrs. Allerdyce fell asleep in bed with a cigarette while John was at school.
9) There are very few classes John doesn't chronically cut, but that doesn't mean he fails the other ones. In fact, he and Bobby are almost evenly matched in everything but math and English. Bobby is a future accountant who sucks at English, and John is a natural writer who doesn't really get what the fuck math is all about.
8) When John is tired or not completely paying attention, his words gain a vaguely Australian edge to them, broad and interesting. Bobby never mentions it because he knows it's one of those things John thinks other people don't notice.
7) John has had sex - once. With a girl in his eighth grade class who liked him. In his own words, it "kinda fucking sucked. Not in the good way. The weird way."
He always cracks up when he says this, hard enough that Bobby joins in helplessly, his face on fire.
6) There is a mostly-written Gothic romance novel hiding under John's bed. He started it as a joke, but Bobby's read some of it and - Well, Bobby's no expert, but he thinks it's pretty damn good.
5) John bought the beautiful shark lighter with some of the money he got after his grandmother died. It's the only thing he ever bought with that money.
4) John liked Rogue first. He still does like her, to an extent, but not the way Bobby likes her. He says he's more into someone else, but Bobby can't figure out who.
3) Even though he may hate the cold January weather, John hates bulky jackets and wool scarves and boots and gloves more. He hates being bundled up almost as much as he hates being cooped up inside.
2) "Fuck 'em. I didn't do shit to them. It's bullshit. We've got more reason to hate them than they do us. They can go to hell. All those fucking humans."
Bobby knows that in John-speak, all that means is that Johnny hates being hated; hates the injustice of that mutant kid on TV dying for nothing; hates being helpless in this citadel of a school.
1) He'll come back.
And then they'll punch each other for a while before sitting back-to-back in silence, maybe sharing a cigarette, most likely just being. And then they'll start over.
Bobby knows this with every fiber of his being.
John will come back.