Title: Animal Instinct
Fandom: Prince of Tennis
Characters/Pairings: Kirihara Akaya, Kamio Akira; Kirihara/Kamio. Tachibana.
Rating: PG-13.
Genre: Ur. Angst/weird/introspective/guys being guys?
Word Count: ~500
Notes: These boys are rough. I'm serious. ...Also, written waaay too long ago. >_>
"You're the same person you always were," Kamio spits, hand wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth.
Kirihara tosses a glare over his shoulder.
"Shut the fuck up. You don't know shit," he mutters, clenching raw and bloody fists, and stalks away.
Akira watches him go, wishing he could punch something, but knowing that he can't. He's got a match to play and he's not going to let Tachibana-san down.
Cats and dogs.
They're just like cats and dogs, Tachibana thinks when he sees the way that Kirihara and Kamio glare at each other, Kirihara down on the court and Kamio up in the bleachers.
He, personally, bears no grudge against Kirihara. Why would he? He's fine now, and Kirihara's said his apologies, learned and changed. And Kippei has no reason to disbelieve.
Kamio, Kippei thinks, knows this.
But dogs are dogs and cats are cats, and fighting is just in their natures.
Whenever Akaya looks back at their exchanges, he starts to think they might have some sort of personality disorders. Innocent, meaningless words are suddenly charged and dangerous, strained words crescendo into yelling matches that decrescendo into hissed, barbed threats and it makes no sense because even when they're agreeing, they're arguing, and it's ridiculous until the moment that Kamio throws the first punch.
Because it's always Kamio who throws the first punch, and then it's not ridiculous, it's a fight that Kirihara always wins because he's a scrapper, has to be to keep up with his senpai, but regardless of who wins, they both end up bruised and bleeding in places visible and not.
Kamio doesn't know what the hell's going through his head. The rhythm of the song - blasting at full volume from the headphones around his neck - is pulsing, hard and raw as the heartbeat in his ears, angry as the words he throws in Kirihara's face.
Kirihara replies by quoting one of Akira's favorite songs, and it's so unexpected, so not right that it sends Kamio over the edge, fury taking over as he shoves Kirihara hard, backs him up against the wall. Kirihara's eyes are dark as he lashes back, ragged nails catching the skin of Akira's forearm before Kamio smacks the hands out of his way, grabbing Kirihara, and smashing their lips together and - and -
- fuck.
Definitely a personality disorder, Akaya decides as his lips begin to move against Kamio's, because it's fighting, still.
It's fighting, still, because when Kirihara bites, Kamio scratches, both kissing hard and furious, all teeth scraping, as each tries to gain the advantage.
Akaya thinks he's winning. Maybe.
His tongue is deep in Kamio's mouth and his fingers tangled in Kamio's hair when the redhead breaks away, looking dazed and breathless for a moment before he gets himself together, panting and wiping his mouth and flushing furiously.
Akaya ignores his own breathlessness and the pulsing, almost overwhelming heat in his body.
"Fucking - asshole - " Akira turns away abruptly and storms away.
"Love you, too," Kirihara calls back sneeringly, tearing his eyes away from Kamio's back only when the other boy flips him the finger.