...mmm ^^, I think this is the first time I'm posting.
Hello~~ :)
Mmm, okay, I actually don't know what I'm doing.
Or well, I do know WHAT I'm doing.
Just not if this is going to work ><
Aaaarh, and I can't call Jenni and ask her because..
I just can't okay >< !!!!
Okay, I'm actually writing this because of her.
I really really REEAAAAALLY miss her.. AND LIVEJOURNAL! :D
Jenni quote:
Hey. :) I know that you don't answer e-mails anymore. Or maybe you do, but I haven't received any. < _____________ <
But if you read this, and if you suddenly have time feel like being social feel like reading fanfiction that makes your lungs hurt - read yuxo's Send a Heartbeat To. :)
-poke- feel like being social? ;___________;
I do, I do, I do, I do, I do, I do, I doooooo~~
Okay, so I read some of yuxo's entries and my stomach still hurts like hell from laughing so much! X'D
-still haven't read the fic though..
But wahahaa soo funny!!! still not done stalking her LJ >XD
Aaaah~~ sorry bout the randomness! >XD
Okay, now to the good part!
JENNI!!! ( everyone else on LJ :D) HAPPY DECEMBER 1ST! ♥♥♥♥♥♥
Aaaah I'm so happy!! :)
I've been so hyper all day! (when I get hyper I tent to do these weird wannabe ninja things.. I stole the cleaning-lady's broom today. ._.
It was all grey and dusty.. but preeeeeeetty~~)
And I have an essay due tomorrow, but I can't concentrate cause I miss Jenni! >< <333333
...and I'm out of ice cream ._.
.. okay what happened to now to the good part??
..okay, I'm out. I seriously have to start that essay.
But I just wanted to let everyone know that I'm still alive.. and that I really do miss LiveJournal
Ps. Chels? Cuppie? I miss you guys soo much! <33 :)
Pps. I have the coooohohooolest idea for Jenni's Christmas present >XD
So if anyone wants to help me (and no it's not gonna cost you anything) please send me a, eh, LiveJournal thingiemawingie.. or just comment :D