Name: Kim
Age: 18
Hobbies: being a computer nerd, html, movies, video games, photography, reading, writing, drawing, singing, going on adventures.
Explain how you came across this journal: Interests search.
What makes your journal unique, or different from others? Well, layout wise my layout is based on one of my own photographs that I set up
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Comments 4
Content: Thankyou for unfriending some of your journal entries... but OMG, that recent post you made, with the comic strips, they were great... Omg, awesome. Lol. 8
Organization: The organization of your journal layout is clean, neat, pretty. It's perfect. 9.5
Color Scheme: The black and white color scheme, yet using all different aspects of both colors. Wise choice to do, but perhaps color in some area would be slightly nice? 8
Layout Overall: It's nice, I like it. I'm not crazy about the font for "Kim the Enchantress" or for "One Upon a Time". It's too... eh... boring. And it looks a little to pixel-ish. Try softening your font, and it should look better! Besides that, good job! 8.5
User Info: THANKYOU! It's info, even if it's very little! Thankyou thankyou thankyou! Try adding more next time tho, because it is very little... 8.5
Icons: Your icons are cute, but too repetitious with the black and white scheme. Try something new? 7
the pic is interesting, never seen that before. i just really, really can't read anything in your journal because of the font. i know you may be trying to get this elegant look, but cheap "colligraphy" can really kill.
your info was cute but once again, couldn't read much. i agree that the icons are redundant with the black/white scheme, and lastly i just love your name.
parlez-vous francais (i couldn't really read much of your info so if you said anything there i wouldn't know oO;), bonne chance.
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