New :]

Sep 07, 2004 17:23

Your Name: Brittany Rae.
Mate's Name: Angel Christopher.
His/her Age: I'm 15 [16 on 12/06] & he's 18 [19 on 11/07].
Location: I'm from Newport, TN & he's from Niagara Falls, NY.
How long have you been together?: 10 months. It'll be 11 months 09/20.
Where did you meet: I met him on & we talked all last summer then we finally decided to meet in person at this place called Coffee &. Me & my friend Ashlee went there one night waiting for him to come & I seen him. That night we started going out even though I knew I'd be moving November 6th. I only seen him once outta the whole time we've been going out, but he just bought plane tickets to come here October 19-November 9th so I'm excited.
If you could describe your mate using 3 words, what would they be?: Very caring, supportive, & extraordinary.
Tell us an experience involving your mate that has evolved your relationship: When I moved from NY to TN we thought we wouldn't make it. One of his best friends Jeff also kept telling him that nothing mattered between us & that we wouldn't last. We stayed together to see how it worked out & even though it was very tough to get through it..we're still together & our relationship keeps getting better everyday.
Why do you feel you as a couple should be accepted into rate_my_mate: Considering that we made it about 09 months without seeing each other & trusted 1 another with everything..I think we're a strong couple. We have our lil fights once in awhile, but we fix things, forgive, & forget. We're both best of friends also & even though a normal couple could see each other everyday..we love to sit & talk on the phone & internet till wee hours in the morning, heh. I think what we have is something special & we do have plans for the future to be together forever.
Something unique about him/her: Well I'm not sure if you'd call this unique, but he has a 5 year old son already. Yes, their age difference is very outrageous but we all get along well & that's all that matters to me. He's over in Germany visiting his father right now & he also went over there to get full custody of Devon [his son].
Promote this community to 1-3 people, who did you promote to: I promoted to my friend Kathleen vindiicated, Jenna serlaestrella, & Jessika dollvomit.

^ Me.

^ On the left.

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