Your Name: Megan
Mate's Name: Paul
His/her Age: He is 17, I am 18. (yeah I know he is jailbait)
Location: California
How long have you been together?: a year and 11 months as of yesterday
Where did you meet (and by meet we mean you have to have met one another e-relationships)?: (Long story but here goes!) Paul and I originally met when I was a freshman and he was in eighth grade. We were both going to a group at our church called TNT (short for teens-in-temptation) It is basically a group for kids who had messed up with drugs, alcohol, or sex. Sometimes all of the above. I thought that he was really cute, and apparently he thought the same about me. (I didnt find that out until later) We talked a few times, but nothing ever happened between us because he was still living in Orange at the time, which is about a 1/2 an hour away from where I lived. I stopped going, and subsequently so did he. We never thought we would see each other again. Then a little more than 2 years ago, I was waiting outside of church for this guy I was on and off dating to get off of work. I was sitting at one of the little tables in front of the high school tent, and he was sitting at another one. We were both alone, and I kind-of recognized him, but I couldnt place where I knew him from, so I didnt say anything to him. All of a sudden, a little kid went running straight into the big, white metal door to the high school tent. The way someone does when they dont see a sliding glass door. We both started cracking up, and he said "Did you see that?" in between laughing. I said “yes”, and got up to sit across from him at his table. We started talking, and ended up talking for 45 minutes to an hour. The guy I was seeing got off of work and I left, but I hoped to see him again. Two weeks went by before I saw him again at church. I had an empty seat next to me, so he sat down and we chit-chatted before church. He got my phone number, and we talked on the phone for a while. Eventually there was a lull in us talking, and I started going out with the guy I had been on and off dating (we were officially boyfriend and girlfriend). He started dating another girl, but we both still had feelings for each other. We started talking on the phone again, and we ended up talking for close to 2 months straight, hours and hours at a time. He and I both broke up with the people that we were with, and he asked me out 5 days before he was going to be my date at my sister's wedding. The rest is history....
If you could describe your mate using 3 words, what would they be?: Sweet, amazing, silly
Tell us an experience involving your mate that has evolved your relationship: When Paul and I had been dating for almost 2 months, his mother left his father. He found out a lot of stuff that had been going on with his mother that he didn’t know. It was a really difficult time for him. Shortly after, she got married to another guy. I was there to support him through it all, and I think it made us stronger as a couple. I was there for him to talk to, and cry to whenever he needed to. It brought us closer together, and although he has some trust issues because of it, he knows that I will always be here for him. It was so early on in our relationship, it could have scared a lot of people off. But now he knows that through the good times and the bad, I will always be around.
Why do you feel you as a couple should be accepted into rate_my_mate: Because we love each other and we have been through a lot together. We have what it takes to stay together and make this work. Besides that, I love communities where I can talk about my love, and I would be a very active member!
Something unique about him/her: Give him a song, and in a few seconds he can make up new words for it that actually make sense and flow together. He also plays bass guitar and can learn almost any song in a short amount of time. I absolutely love it when he plays “My girl” for me, and he also learned 311’s “Love Song” to play and sing to me. *swoons*
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gillianvaughn and
chicklet69Put at least 3 pictures here *behind a cut*
And a couple of us separately: