Your Name: Josee
Mate's Name: Murray
His/her Age: we are both 22
Location: Toronto
How long have you been together?: Almost 3 years
Where did you meet (and by meet we mean you have to have met one another e-relationships)?:
We were actually just chatting to each other on this web site and my friend in class saw his picture and said "Hey thats my friend murray" so turns out that they lived in rez across the hall from each other.. She ended up inviting me over on the friday night to go to pub and sleep at her place.. me and him hit it off that night and i ended up spending the weekend with him and we've been together ever since!
If you could describe your mate using 3 words, what would they be?:
Loving, Hard Working, sexy :)
Tell us an experience involving your mate that has evolved your relationship:
We had been together for a year and i noticed a bump on the back of his neck.. I got him to go to the doctors (hes very stubborn and hates doctors) anyways we ended up going and found out he has a tumor.. He was very upset but we got through it and it made our relationship stronger
Why do you feel you as a couple should be accepted into rate_my_mate: Because I love him very much, we are getting married in april. We make a wonderful couple together because we are always there for each other no matter what.
Something unique about him/her: He is so serious around everyone else but around me he knows how to let loose and have fun
Promote this community to 1-3 people, who did you promote to: will do after this post
Put at least 3 pictures here *behind a cut
This pic is from us about 3yrs ago when we first met..
Valentines day 2 years ago .. he gave me that tiger :)