new. kinda.

Oct 10, 2004 09:18

Your Name: jessica lynn. (jes)
Mate's Name: joel.
His/her Age: i am 16. he is 16, 17 in dec.
Location: i live in malvern pa, he lives in west chester pa. not too far from eachother.
How long have you been together?: 7 months this tuesday.
Where did you meet (and by meet we mean you have to have met one another e-relationships)?: we me tin 7th grade at luch. some kid had a soccer ball and kicked it and me and jole both like soccer so both had the instinct to run after it like cats to a mouse. lol then we started talking. he got into bad things but i wiated for about 3 years before we "re-met" in 10th grade. i never gave up. =)
If you could describe your mate using 3 words, what would they be?: expressive, funny, there.
Tell us an experience involving your mate that has evolved your relationship: his mom dosn't like people in general. it's a stuggle to see him on the weekend but we always work it out. a few weeks ago we get into something maybe a little too deep and he got freaked out by it. he talked to his mom and some how she con'ed him into break up with me. he told me he wanted a break. he texted to me when i was sleeping, and i dind't get it until i was on my way to school where i see him first thing. i tired so hard not to cry on the way there. when i saw him, he dind't smile at me and he didn't hug me he would barely look at me. so i just wlaked away. later that day we tryed to talk about it. i ended up wanting to cry more then every before. i had to bite my lip to destract myself, to the point that it bleed. for the first time. he saw what he was doing to me. it was like he snapped out of a trance and told me he was sorry and didn't mean it. it was the best feeling and now we are back on track and happy.
Why do you feel you as a couple should be accepted into rate_my_mate: i was accepted in here once, so im hoping i can do it again. we are a happy couple, not fake and we don't have to try to have fun. it just comes to us.
Something unique about him/her: i have gone out with a few guys. and he is one that actualy listens/ when i talk he donsn't just discard it. he listens to me, and he shows that by bring up petty things in later conversations. it's awesome.
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playing in a box full of peanuts

sorry as you all know i hav a million and 1 picutres.
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