The Basics
Name: Claudia. But ES works too.
Age: 19 (Idon'twannaturn20Idon'twannaturn20Idon'twannaturn20)
1. Describe your personality:
So, my personality... I don't know. It changes a little with my moods. I can be the goofy type or the silent, brooding type. But.... in general, I act extremely polite with people I don't know and older people in general (I turn on the charm to the max, I guess you could say), I act dorky when I have to interact with people I don't know well, and stay silent when I have the option to not interact with people at all. I love being alone, for days at a time if possible. I do enjoy spending time with my friends, I really like it, but once they're gone I find myself sighing with relief because I feel completely drained XD. Socializing, while fun if I'm with the right people, just isn't my thing. Doing it online isn't a problem, though, and I quite enjoy discussing theories and opinions on stuff and such.
I have only half a handful of friends. I'm independent, and I'd hate so much for them to think otherwise that sometimes I might feel a little... distant to them, I suppose. But I'm loyal like a dog to said friends (which is stupid and slightly embarrassing, and it's also something they'll never know if I have a say in it. Which I do.) but I only show that when it comes to... important stuff. Which fortunately is quite rare.
The whole "deep, emotional" talks thing... or the "comforting" thing... I just don't do it. Ever. I wonder if that means I'm emotionally stunted or something.
Well, what else... I'm a sceptic. I hate feeling stupid and making mistakes. I'm lazy to the point of not moving for an entire day - so I starve until I finally can't take it anymore and go eat. And I have a thing for sarcasm and dark humour... but any good joke is awesome, really.
If it helps, it seems my personality is an
INTP type - though not as focused on logical, mathematical and scientific kind of stuff, and leaning more towards literature, arts, understanding characters and plots and meanings behind details in paintings and the like.
2. What are your flaws? Social failure, haha. Incapable of cold analysis and constructive criticism. Not intelligent enough. Not daring enough. Tendency to say stupid things if pressed to answer quickly. Too lazy. Too comfortable with my own habits. Lack of discipline. Lack of control. Selfish, childish. Something of a coward as well, I think. And I can be oblivious to a lot of things - hence the social failure thing.
3. What are your best points? I can be witty sometimes (rarely!). I'll never bother anyone with my problems. It's nearly impossible to offend or insult me, you know, without meaning to. Open minded. Can't be angry at anyone for long. I'm pretty easy going in general, and if you do/know about stuff I'm interested in, I'm always willing to discuss it or help you with something for it. Oh, and gossiping and talking behind people's backs? I don't do that. Ever. I hate when it's done to myself, and I can't do it to other people.
4. Likes: BOOKS, music (opera, classical music, hard rock, metal), chocolate, ice cream, waffles with ice cream and chocolate sauce, sleeping, staying up all night on the internet, laughing, running, rain, interesting people, movies (sci fi, fantasy, action), stories, nighttime, complex characters, rivers, manga/anime (obviously XD), fanfiction, vanilla scented soap, animals.
5. Dislikes: stupidity, disrespect, superstitious people, feeling like I owe something to someone, brats, fish, not being able to laze about, "let's discuss feelings" talks, hip hop in general with few exceptions, jazz, alcohol, "you're SO tall!" comments (it gets old after 10 years or so), studying boring stuff, spiders.
6. What are your hobbies and talents? Reading (books, manga, fanfiction, instruction manuals if I'm desperate, anything I get my hands on) and listening to music (while studying, while reading, while doing chores, while going to class, while waiting for class to begin, while walking from one place to another...) are the main ones. I occasionaly write as well, and I love watching movies, TV series and anime. Also, I doodle a lot.
7. How do others perceive you? I don't know. My parents tell me I'm intelligent and insensitive and weird. People I know seem to think I'm silly, like, the funny person they don't really know - either that or they think I'm "that weird loner girl that never really talks". My friends probably think I'm talkative and funny and a dork, or something along those lines.
8. What is your personal motto? "I do what has to be done." - because there's no other choice, really. Or am I just making excuses, I wonder?
9. What is your favorite color? Why? I quite like black, and certain shades of blue and purple. I like black because it's so absolute and makes everything look sharper and more... obvious. Stylish and simple, too. Blue and purple... simply because I think they're pretty.
10. What color do you think you are? (it can be the favourite color or another color) I have no idea, so I did some online quizzes. Most results were black and green. Such similar colours! /sarcasm
11. Favourite Animal? Torn between horse and leopard.
12. What is your favorite season? Winter. It was Summer for a very long time, though.
13. This Thing, That Thing
Optimistic or Pessimistic or Realist: Something of a pessimist, with some realistic notions thrown in and occasionally taken into consideration.
Possessions or Ideals: Ideals.
Mature or Immature: Mature on some aspects, immature on others. As a whole, mostly immature.
Leader or Follower: Follower. Unless I'm in a group of brainless sheep who can't decide anything without debating absolutely nothing for a week. In such cases, I get fed up with it pretty quickly and make them do something. But if there's someone else in the group who can do it for me? I just lay back, stay silent in my corner and do my own part of the job.
Light or Dark: Dark.
Think Before You Leap? or Leap!: Will depend on the situation. And my mood. Some situations can't just be rushed into without thinking as that demonstrates the highest level of stupidity; and sometimes I just really don't care. And other situations require that I don't think - like bungee jumping. To think is to reflect on what you're about to do and leads to panicking or backing out of it. So in particular cases like that I forcefully turn off my brain and like Nike says, just do it.
Introverted or Extroverted: Ultimately... introverted, I believe.
War or Peace: Can't appreciate one without knowing the other (if light didn't exist, we wouldn't know we were in the dark. Opposites give each other meaning.)
Secretive or Open: Secretive.
High, Medium, Low Energy? Medium/low energy.
14. Reactions
How do you react when with your friends? I let my guard down a great deal - I joke around and smile and it's heartfelt, and I don't care if the jokes make sense or are actually funny because I trust they think I'm being silly and not stupid or annoying. I'll talk about everything and anything. If I'm alone time with my friends for an extended period of time (say, 2-3 hours in solely their company, not surrounded by other people we know), I'll eventually get all of us hyper and by the end of it all we'll be laughing ourselves to a coma for no reason, giggling like 5 year-olds at the stupidest things.
How about your family? I'm pretty much indifferent to them. So I'm mostly calm and silent and wear a neutral expression when around them. If in the mood for it, I might throw in a sarcastic comment every once in a while. My little brother annoys me terribly, however. The disrespectful little brat can make me go from calm to completely pissed with a single sentence.
In a group? I don't like groups. The bigger, the worse. So it depends on what the situation I'm in will eventually require - if am I in class and in a group with which I'll be expected to interact actively, I'll try to be the joker and the active one in the group, so that people will not be hesitant in approaching me and discussing what has to be done. It also works as a way to make sure they don't... get close. If I'm just the loud funny person, they eventually tune me out and don't really pay attention to me. If in a social gathering where mostly people I don't know/family members/parents' friends are present, I'll just be silent in some comfortable spot and wait for it to end.
If your peers/friends/family were in trouble, what would you do? Help. Immediately. Friends are friends and if they need my help, it's theirs. Helping family is a duty and it can't be overlooked. As for helping peers... I don't mind, as long as I don't lose anything from it. I actually enjoy being helpful if the situation presents itself.
How do you react to stressful things? If I'm nervous about something that will/might happen, I just make plans for every possible situation and DO something. If it's because of something that IS happening, I'll try to distance myself from what I feel so I can keep functioning. It's just a matter of supressing my feelings well enough.
15. What are your dreams? I don't really have any.
16. What are your fears? Physical pain. Feeling stupid. Being exposed. And... feeling... dirty, I guess that's the word.
17. Would you do something you wouldn’t normally do if you had to? Yes.
18. If you had to choose a side, would you choose the government, rebels or just being a loner? First, it would depend on whether it was my business or not. If so, then it would depend on what I thought of the situation. I'd join the side I thought was right. If I thought I didn't have enough information to know which one was right, I'd opt for being a loner.
19. Anything else about you? No.
20. Anything else you would like to add? DGM for the win. My obssession with it is now almost 2 years old. And somehow, I developped a certain verbal tic - "che". XD Fortunately no one around here really gets it. XDDD
Also, my apologies for my lengthy answers on some of the questions.
It seems this comm isn't dead yet, but I really wonder if I'll get any votes at all... XD Anyway, if you read up to this point, thank you. And my apologies for bothering you. *bows*
Almost there!
21. How did you find us? LJ interests search. The first time I ever used it, actually.
22. Links to voted applications
I actually voted on a2.
bunch of them, but let's have3.
just these three as examples.