1. Name: Jesus H. Christ
2. Age: Well, I was 33 when I died.
3. Current Location: Everywhere, my son.
*hometown: Jesus does not have a hometown.
4. What are your opinions on:
* love: Ahh, yes, I know love. Jesus loves all humans.
* individualism: Everyone should try to be themselves and voice their opinion. But then again, that's what I did, and things didn't go so well for me.
* government:
5. where did you hear of [info]rating_sluts? I saw it in a vision, my son.
6. What do you see in your future?(at least 2 sentences please). Well, I'm dead. So there really isn't much of a future for Jesus.
7. what is your talent/s? I can turn water to wine. And I've got a good hand for curing the blind.
8. favorite quote: "How can men be wise? The only way to begin is by reverence for God. For growth in wisdom comes from obeying His laws. Praise His name forever." -- Psalm 111:10
9. What type of music do you listen to? and list eight singers/bands.
I like hardcore stuff.
-Nine Inch Nails
-Marilyn Manson
10. What makes you a Rating Slut? I'm the son of God... I think that's enough said.
11. POST ATLEAST 3 PICS OF YOURSELF use the lj cut if necessary!
Sorry for the poor quality. There were no webcams when I was alive. But I've got some nifty fanart! ^_^