I was going to post a status update, but then I saw this going around and figured I might as well go for it. Cut for tl;dr when I get to the status notice.
Actually in a better place than he was before the camp virus! The three weeks he spent as a human made him miss being a rat so much that he's kind of kicked that self-doubt he'd built up after so many people being astonished/disgusted at a cooking rat.
He's more determined than ever to fix the Tuesday soup.
My God, do I ever need to canon review. I haven't had the time or energy to RP lately and I've become a bit shaky on the voice. I want to play Remy again but damn I want to do it right. He's been in danger of becoming incredibly repetitive lately, but I think that's less of voice issues and more player issues in keeping conversations going.
- Dehiatus post. This has been the longest total hiatus I've ever taken, and will need to get back into the swing of things.
- Messhall post where Megan attempts to keep Remy away from the Tuesday soup in her own special devious way. RATCHEF WILL NOT BE PLEASED. And Izumi will kill us both when the dust clears.
- Halloween candy antics. Going to keep Remy out of the really scary Camp stuff, but Halloween does also mean candy...
- Halloween trick-or-treat antics. I am all for somebody forcing Remy into a tiny rat Halloween costume.
Ugggh. Family stuff has died down slightly, but I'm being pounded on by school and work. No one in my class project group wants to take over and I suspect they think that "group leader" = "do all the work." Trying to have a simple discussion on which approach to take has taken four days over e-mail due to time zones et al.
What worries me is that when we have to work on the third part of the assignment, I will not be able to shoulder the workload at all due to my other class. And I can't spur anyone into doing much; either I come off as too intense and bitchy, or when I try to tone it down it doesn't come off as a big deal. I'm slightly annoyed with two of my group members, feel really bad on behalf of the other two, and I'm really pissed at the prof for having so much of our grade ride on a group project for an online class where all we have to go on is the text and his handouts that contradict themselves.
Work is also nuts, but at least there I have some clear direction. Family stuff... well, the affected members are now living a good 30-40 miles away so I'm not in the middle of it so much. I'm getting an update tonight when I go bring them dinner. So I can't commit to being off hiatus just yet. Sadly, there will probably be no new app from me this round.
Also, while I remember: my cousin is looking for something that will easily allow her to blog and post photos (with an easily-customizable photo gallery) of a cross-country road trip. I'd be tempted to just get her a paid LJ account, but Scrapbook utterly fails and she doesn't know HTML. For personal reasons (family stuff), this is a lot more important than just a fun road trip. Can anyone recommend something that can meet the blogging and photo gallery needs of someone who has a decent amount of Internet experience but not much time to learn Photoshop or HTML?