House 5.20
Woah I didn't realize we were that far into the season. Though after the events of tonight, it certainly felt like a sweeps episode. So I have to confess, I knew someone on House would kill themselves thanks to
two separate spoiler posts. I wish I had no idea what was going to happen. I wish I didn't except anyone to kill themselves on this show, and yet with that knowledge, I was still stunned when it turned out to be Kutner.
The scene where Thirteen and Foreman find his body is actually chilling and horrifying. I had come up with some insane theories about who might die and why. First was Wilson because I wouldn't see that coming. And he had some brother drama. Then when I read the episode dealt with a woman caring for her dying husband, I jumped to either Chase or Cameron because it reflected Cameron's past with her terminally ill husband. But this was not on my radar.
I like that we don't know why. Possibly in future episode we'll see more about his life, but for now the suicide is as big a mystery as Kutner himself. One of the reasons I didn't think it would be Kutner was because we didn't know much about him. We knew about his parents, but not friends or a lovelife... From what we saw, his life was work. And he didn't really merge into the crew, did he? House had his fun picking on Taub, and Thirteen got with Foreman, but Kutner was just... there. It might play a part in finding a reason for the suicide.
So why Kutner? Well Kal Penn's new gig at the White House is why. Yeah, bro got himself a staff position in the administration! Best part of it, that the Obama administration agreed to hold off the news until the episode airs. Gotta love TV.