You look like you've really read up and researched before getting rats, which is important in order to give them the best lives possible :) Can't wait to see pics!
Both cages are great, but of the two, the Critter Nation will be the easiest to clean. The Super Pet cage you would have to worry about bar spacing as it is 1 inch, but you can also modify the cage with hardwire (but it will make the cage more difficult to clean).
As for the dog food in the Suebee's, make sure its a high quality food with a low protein level. I use Natural Balance Reduced Calorie, but Solid Gold (Holistic Blend) and Nutro's Natural Choice Lite formulas are other options.
Do make sure to research the common illnesses. is a good place to start.
Good luck with your little ones once you get them. :D
Comments 5
As for the dog food in the Suebee's, make sure its a high quality food with a low protein level. I use Natural Balance Reduced Calorie, but Solid Gold (Holistic Blend) and Nutro's Natural Choice Lite formulas are other options.
Do make sure to research the common illnesses. is a good place to start.
Good luck with your little ones once you get them. :D
I'll write down those dog foods so that I remember them.
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