Rattie Celebrity Status

Nov 01, 2011 12:18

My three boys are the smartest, sweetest rats I've ever owned. They're friendly, gentle, social, and affectionate. (And other positive adjectives!) They love learning new things, which includes playing with little props. I'm always trying to spread the awesomeness-awareness wherever I can. Recently, Tucker and his tiny food made the front page of cheezburger.com's daily squee.


I don't think I've posted that picture here before, so I'm sorry if I'm wrong and you've already seen it. I know I've posted a couple of photos of my rats with their tiny trombone, and there will be more to come. My husband's gotten more attached to them lately (finally!) and he bought them a saxophone and a tuba. They'll be here any day now, and my boys will increase their musical repertoire. I am excited, and I'm sure they would be too if they knew it was coming!

I read the community guidelines so I don't think this next part is against the rules. If it is, (mods) you can delete this post or let me know and I'll edit it.

My rats' vet is having a calendar contest on facebook. The 12 pet photos with the most "likes" will be on their 2012 calendar. (No, Rigby's not a swimsuit model, but he is a talented musician.) I think my Rigby is the only submission that isn't a dog or a cat. The contest ends tomorrow, and Rigby's definitely in the running to win.

If you like his trombone photo (shown below) please help promote the rattie-love by taking a moment to visit our vet's facebook page http://www.facebook.com/AppalachianNewRiverVet?sk=photos and scroll down until you see Rigby and his trombone, and "like" his photo. You don't have to be a fan of the veterinarian or sign up for anything so long as you already have a facebook account. SO PLEASE HELP RIGBY WIN! (& thank you!!)

This is the photo in the calendar contest. He's definitely in the running, and I'm pretty sure he's the only submission that isn't a cat or a dog. Go Rigby! :)

Contests aside, here's a few more pictures of my little mischief:
(Fun Rattie Fact: "Mischief" is the official term for a group of rats.)

Tucker with the soda (zoomed out) and the mini-mini fridge. This photo was just good timing. I don't know why he decided to "drink" the soda, but I'm glad he did. I think that The Daily Squee is a pretty popular website, so I'm glad he was featured. Rats spread love, not the plague!

Yes, you can haz, but you won't think it's very tasty. Treats in a minute!

A half a second later, Rigby overturned my makeshift table (it's a saucer on a roll of duct tape) looking for treats. He found a peanut.

I love Cheese's facial expressions. Either he's just more expressive or it's easier to see because he's a lighter color.

Sorry if you've seen these before. I don't post here very often. But like I said, there's a tiny saxophone and a tiny tuba en route to my apartment!

*happy and proud*

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