I've been floundering my way through REAMDE since the day it came out, but I'm eating the bookification of Mongoliad up with a big old spoon. Go figure.
Both? Seriously, it's been both for me at times, sometimes overlapping or fastly alternating. Feeling odd when mundane life fails to follow story canon elements can be a warning :}
I've fondly recalled watching that same reality dysfunction in my selves and others. Heh- /me wonders if the towel association had an arrange with this brit writer who had several memes become penetrant even into the mundane's lives. Or that we catch ourselves a bit put off by folks we'd think should get it about 42 or the wider spread Rule 34.
Come to think of it, wider spread mentioned as lead into Rule 34 begs some exploration, eh?
Wow, really? I totally struggled with The Mongoliad, and eventually gave it up. Too many names, too many paper-thin characters, couldn't keep 'em all straight.
Comments 3
I've fondly recalled watching that same reality dysfunction in my selves and others. Heh- /me wonders if the towel association had an arrange with this brit writer who had several memes become penetrant even into the mundane's lives. Or that we catch ourselves a bit put off by folks we'd think should get it about 42 or the wider spread Rule 34.
Come to think of it, wider spread mentioned as lead into Rule 34 begs some exploration, eh?
BTW, are you on a normal Earth week now?
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