Title: A Little Evil Comes A Long Way
Author: raug_moss
Pairings: Kahlan/Cara
Rating: NC-17
A/N: modern AU
A/N2: I post this new chapter in order to celebrate
this video :D yay
Chapter 1,
Chapter 2,
Chapter 3,
Chapter 4,
Chapter 5,
Chapter 6,
Chapter 7,
Chapter 8,
Chapter 9,
Chapter 10,
Chapter 11,
Chapter 12,
Chapter 13,
Chapter 14,
Chapter 15,
Chapter 16 Chapter 17
“That’s it? Just pick up the car and drive it thru town?”
Dahlia places a plate in front of Kahlan and sits down next to her on the couch. She chews on her own piece of pizza and regards her cousin curiously.
“These guys seem to ask the oddest things of you. I’m sorry I got you into this.”
Kahlan sighs and takes a bite of her own slice.
“I told you not to worry about that. For now it all seems easy enough. Although I’m not sure for how long I’ll be doing Dewitt’s bidding.”
“I still don’t see how you got from helping me pay off my debt by working for Rahl to working for that creepy gangster boss.”
Kahlan crinkles her brow.
“First of all, I can’t even be sure that he’s really a gangster boss and secondly I kind of had no other choice but to do things for him. Since he is Rahl’s boss...”
She doesn’t really want to think about what she has gotten herself into, because the more she ponders on it the more certain she is that it will be dangerous and probably illegal.
“But hey, how did it go with Denna?” Dahlia suddenly changes the topic.
Kahlan had almost entirely forgotten about the platinum-blonde, but now that she is reminded she pretty much chokes on her pizza while trying to tell Dahlia to never pull such a stunt again.
“What were you thinking?!”
The dark-blonde shrugs.
“You said you wanted some company and Denna really seemed interested in you, so I thought why not help things along a little. So it was bad?”
“No, not bad...”
“You meeting her again?” Dahlia grins conspiratorially.
“Ha! Good for you cousin, good for you.”
“But I’m just not ready... for a relationship.”
“Maybe that’s not even what Denna wants. You should give it a shot, life is only half as fun without orgasms.”
Kahlan chuckles and shakes her head. “If you say so.”
While the next day passes rather slowly Kahlan can’t help but keep thinking about Dewitt and his intentions. She already dreads the moment when everything comes crashing down and she is pretty sure that it eventually will, because it always does.
When Dewitt indeed contacts her, it’s not through a call or anything of the sort, but a simple letter. It tells her where the car is parked and where exactly she needs to take it.
For a moment Kahlan fears that the letter will burst into flames to erase any traces that the correspondence has ever taken place, but when nothing happens she simply folds the piece of paper and tucks it into her pocket.
“You leaving?” Dahlia asks as she sees Kahlan pulling on her jacket.
“Be careful though, alright?”
“Yes I will be. Don’t worry D, I’m just playing chauffeur for a little bit.”
Kahlan flashes a quick grin and leaves the apartment.
The car is parked close to West Park, like Dewitt said, and Kahlan spots it easily enough. It looks rather beaten with red paint already fading.
Quite unsuspicious.
She walks over to it, quickly looks around and opens the trunk. To her utmost relief there’s only a black suitcase in it. She doesn’t know what’s inside and she frankly doesn’t care since a human body would definitely not fit in it.
So she gets in and drives off, simple as that. No one stops her, and as far as she can tell no one follows her.
She isn’t particularly familiar with the city yet and so it actually takes her a while to find the industrial district, where she is supposed to take the car. But once she has left the main streets behind, she drives past large abandoned empty warehouses, some of them with broken windows, some already half-fallen to pieces.
There isn’t a soul in sight and Kahlan can’t help but feel extremely nervous. She knows that this isn’t a trap, because if Dewitt wanted to kill her, she’d already be dead.
She taps her fingertips against the steering wheel and slows down when she spots another car in the distance. Two warehouses are on either side of them and effectively block the view of the rest of the area.
There are three men standing beside the car. At first glance they don’t seem particularly dangerous, but looks are always deceiving.
Kahlan stops when she is a few feet away from them and gets out of the car. One of the men saunters towards her. “Looks like you made it. Wonder how you got into Paciello territory without a scratch.”
Of course she has no idea what he is talking about, but she still turns up the cocky attitude. “You think The Keeper would’ve sent me if he didn’t know I would make it?”
The man’s eyes widen for a moment and he nods. “Of course...”
“What are we waiting for?” One of the other guys calls. Is Kahlan supposed to hand over the keys and let them drive off with the car? If so, how is she going to get home?
Before she can utter a single question, another car races around the corner of the warehouse to their left.
Tires screech loudly as the first shots are fired.
The man in front of her is hit in the back of the head and a fine spray of blood covers Kahlan’s face and chest.
The guy is dead before he hits the ground.
It takes her a second to realize what’s just happened and in the moment that she does, she jumps behind the car to avoid getting hit by a bullet as well.
The other remaining men also take cover to return fire. Kahlan isn’t sure what kind of weapons they have but judging by the sounds she guesses that the attackers are more heavily armed.
Soon the other car has as many holes as a Swiss cheese and Dewitt’s men are barely able to hold off the assault.
Since Kahlan isn’t actively participating she is ignored and therefore has the time to assess her situation. The attackers might’ve overseen her, and she needs to get out of the way before they’ve killed the remaining two men.
Seeing that the door to the warehouse that’s behind her is open she decides to get the hell out. She is familiar with the sound of guns being fired and the way adrenaline rushes through her veins. Therefore she can stay calm enough to judge the situation and make a sensible choice.
Without hesitating any longer Kahlan dashes out from behind the car and runs toward the warehouse. Even though she hears the bullets whizzing past her she reaches the building unharmed. Pulling the door open with both hands, she quickly slips inside and disappears into the darkness of the warehouse. There’s a metal pole leaning against a wooden box to her right when she enters and she takes a hold of it while running toward the other end of the large building.
The pole will serve as a makeshift weapon and if the assailants should decide to go after her, she’ll wait for them in the shadows and take them out one after the other, using the darkness to her advantage.
The shooting outside eventually stops and Kahlan awaits the things that are to come.
After about an hour there is still no movement in and around the warehouse, so she hurries back to the front door and chances to peer outside.
The attackers’ car is gone, as well as the car she has picked up. Only three dead bodies and the car with hundreds of bullet holes in it are still there and now Kahlan has the one thing on her hands that she has been trying to avoid: a corpse.
Correction, three of them.
“God freaking... shit!”
There’s no use in checking for any signs of life because those men are most certainly dead. Kahlan turns away from the gruesome sight and looks around instead.
“What now?”
She pulls her cell out of her pocket and realizes that her hands are shaking. Although she knows that there is blood drying on her face and chest she just can’t bring herself to think clearly enough to wipe it away. Wouldn’t be the first time anyway.
And since her day hasn’t been bad enough yet, there’s absolutely no reception in the area.
The car that is still there is making strange noises and looks like it is about to break apart at any moment, so it’s not an option either.
Still holding the metal pole in one hand and her cell phone in the other, she walks away from the dead bodies back to where she originally entered the industrial district.
It’s a long walk and after more than two hours without being able to use her cell or meeting another living soul she’s about ready to sit down and weep. Her knee is hurting and her thighs burn from the exertion. Not to mention the sight of the three slaughtered men that is still very present in her mind. And here she thought she’d left those days behind once and for all.
Suddenly she can hear the sound of a car and it’s decidedly coming closer with every passing second. She thinks about hiding but eventually concludes that the attackers probably wouldn’t come back after all this time to look for her. Had they wanted her dead, they would’ve come after her into the warehouse.
Soon enough she sees a car in the distance creeping toward her. Her fingers tighten around the metal pole as blue eyes watch the vehicle coming to a halt a few feet away. A person gets out of the car and the first thing Kahlan sees is blonde hair.
It takes her several moments to realize who is in fact standing before her. And when she does, she is about ready to faint. Relief and joy flood her body so forcefully that she moans quietly while tears spring to her eyes.
Not an ordinary reaction by all means, but for Kahlan this is not an ordinary situation either. Not anymore.
Worried green eyes stare at her as the blond detective slowly moves closer.
“Miss Amnell?”
She looks like she isn’t entirely sure whether she has a real person in front of her or some sort of mirage.
“Are you... are you hurt?”
Her brows crinkle as she regards Kahlan more closely.
The brunette can only sniffle quietly in response.
In the blink of an eye Cara stands before her and gently extracts the metal pole from Kahlan’s grip. Their fingers brush and the brunette closes her eyes for a moment.
“Alright, why don’t you just get into the car? C’mon.”
Putting the metal pole down, Cara’s hands hover above Kahlan’s shoulder and hip as they slowly make their way to the car.
She gets in and watches Cara walk around the front and settle in the driver’s seat.
The detective quickly takes out her cell and sends a text. Seems like someone does have reception in this no-man’s-land, Kahlan thinks cynically.
Cara looks like she wants to say something when she turns to Kahlan a moment later, but she keeps her words to herself instead and simply starts the car.
Chapter 18