barrett originally started talking to me about sea monkeys, because he thought they were totally pointless. then i randomly decided to ask you about them. then, while trying to think of interview questions, i suddenly remembered the sea monkey discussion and figured what the hell? why not ask a question about sea monkeys lol. so don't worry, i don't have an obsession with them, i just am awful at thinking up questions.
Comments 6
1.) Who is the one person, if anybody, that you would be willing to give an essential body part, such as a kidney, to for his/her survival?
2.) Which character (from movie, musical, book, etc.) would you say suits you the most or that you relate to the most?
3.) CAKE or DEATH? lol
4.) What are your feelings on sea monkeys? pointless or absolutely the most wonderful, entertaing thing the planet has ever seen?
5.) If you could, what is the one thing you would change about yourself, if anything?
1.) Best place to go and hide from the world or just retreat to when needed?
2.) How long do you think you'd be able to keep yourself entertained alone in an empty room?
3.) If you could live during any time period, which one would it be?
4.) You're an author. What book are you famous for? (choose already published book)
5.) Imagine yourself in the last place you would ever want to be. Where are you and why are you there?
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