So I met someone today, who says that we are winning the war in Iraq.
Last I checked, we are no where near winning in Iraq.
An exponentially larger number of soldiers have died there since Bush declared it a victory in may of 2003 (See: mission accomplished). Well, the mission is far from accomplished.
More than 75% of currently deployed troops are ready for withdrawl from the war torn middle eastern state. And, last I checked, their tours of duty have just been expanded by fifty percent. Which means that the sons and daughters of our nation are stuck over there even longer fighting for our...
Wait, what are they fighting for? Certainly not our freedom, because so far, the Bush administration has shown itself to be trying to align the US into a police state. Let us not forget the endless amounts of surveillance that our dear Mister President keeps trying to shove through Congress. That and the mandatory federal BioID card that passes in what, couple of days? The UK has similar measures, and last I checked, they hated it.
So, we're not fighting for freedom. Must be oil, right? So why is gas 2.90 a gallon? That's, what, about ... two bucks higher than during the clinton administration? Maybe that's because the OPEC countries hate us! Or maybe it's because we're being gouged by the very corporations whose interests our sons and daughters are over there fighting for, so they can have shinier cars and houses.
Either way, No, we are not winning. You cannot win a war without a purpose, and without an end.
When was World War II declared a victory? When the fighting was done. At no point before.
And President Bush wants the fighting to keep on going. Why do you think that's so?