My hand's nearly healed. Huzzah.
Ever since I installed IE 7, my computer "dials up" differently, and (I think) as a result, MSN and AIM seem to not want to launch more often than not. So that's why I'm never on.
Progress on my campaign setting has stagnated. I want it to be done, but most nights I lack the will and energy to work on it.
I've decided definately to no longer have Khalzar the handless dwarf pursue any kind of psionic class, unless Complete Psionic has something that's too kool for skool. I'm content for the time being to level him in Rogue for the oooooodles of skill points that're comin' his way. Seriously, fighter/rogues FTW.
Eagerly awaiting upcoming D&D sessions, for both Evil Campaign and BVU Campaign. I've got great stuff planned for the former, not so much for the latter - but no worries, kids: muse shall strike me soon, I expect.
Sadly enough, I must say that I'm growing disenchanted with the D&D that's going on in Des Moines, right now. It's probably a combination of me being sick of (literally) waiting an hour after the scheduled session start for people to fucking show up and the fact that Carl's Eberron campaign is totally shit. In both campaigns (the other being my own) people can't seem to pull their heads out of their asses and actually play! A curse upon laptops and all of their descendants.