Utterly random.
Author: Raven
Title: Five times Ryan is on his knees and one time he enjoys it.
Rating: mh. nothing expicit going on
Warnings: nope
Pairing: Spencer/Ryan
The first time Spencer sees Ryan on his knees, Ryan’s five years old and he falls off his bike. He doesn’t cry and he looks at Spencer like he’s maybe a little slow when Spencer points out he’s bleeding.
“Duh. I fell.”
Spencer helps him up anyway.
The second time around, it’s a skateboard. Ryan’s eleven. The way his knee swells to three times its usual size is actually pretty impressive. Ryan curses under his breath, but he reaches for Spencer’s outstretched hand anyway.
Spencer pulls him to his feet.
The third time, Spencer doesn’t see. Pete comes down to watch them play and takes them out to lunch. After, Ryan blows him in the airport toilet cubicle before Pete flies back to LA, knees aching on the hard cold tiled floor. They get the contract and Spencer pretends he doesn’t know.
Ryan never tells him.
The fourth time happens somewhere in the Midwest. They’re on tour with the Academy and Brent almost makes everything fall apart. Ryan’s on his knees, stroking Brendon’s shoulder while Brendon’s having a panic attack, his breaths short and his heart pounding. Ryan talks him down enough he can play the show.
They fire Brent the next day.
The fifth time, someone from the hospital calls to inform Ryan his Dad died. Ryan’s knees buckle, cell phone still clutched tightly in his hand. Spencer tries his best to hold him up. He fails and opts for sitting on the floor next to Ryan instead. Ryan doesn’t cry, but he’s trembling and he doesn’t even attempt to speak.
Neither does Spencer.
The sixth time, Ryan finally gets the fuck over himself and backs Spencer up against the closed door of their hotel room to suck him off.
Ryan’s never looked as good on his knees before.