Aug 29, 2009 15:37
- 10:26:40: loves ducks, monkeys, jalapenos, acting, scfi, and long walks Hates sappy poetry, insincere thoughts and weakness goal universal domination
- 11:40:34: Im getting more followers every #followfriday riding the WeFollowFriday Train!
- 13:14:18: Cool new Twitter RPG game!
- 16:36:48: Bought a patriot 9mm in Skies of Blood
- 16:59:33: RT @neuroaster: Recommended @ raven_mcbain to @MrTweet 'random people rule, and besides it's #FollowFriday #ff'
- 17:01:21: #MrTweet i recommend @ mrmistr because he is funy and attentive, a very good twitter buddy
- 17:02:59: #MrTweet i recommend @ sianaolivo because she is so sweet and a joy to tweet with
- 17:20:33: yeagh 31 more followers and my first step towards co-world domination shall be complete
- 17:21:21: Dear everyone who tells me that I should tweet important things, what makes you think I don't?
- 17:22:23: @ sianaolivo Your welcome *grin* maibe
- 17:54:42: @ ChedLap I've been breeding my flying monkeies, spreading propaganda, gathering followers and trying to get the hypnotysing ducks ready,
- 17:57:36: @ ChedLap so yeagh I figure co-domination works
- 17:59:38: frick some days I hate facebook!!
- 18:08:18: #MrTweet i recommend @ ChedLap because he hilarious and so far a pretty good partner in crime *grin*
- 19:01:42: Playing this new game for Twitter. Join me?
- 19:07:23: Currently in Streets of Manhattan in Skies of Blood
- 19:58:05: Bought a knife in City of Blood
- 20:32:10: @ ChedLap was trying to figure out why I couldn't find you then I found you in city of blood as opposed to skys of blood where I was looking
- 21:47:58: Bought a sword in Elven Blood
- 21:59:18: Bought a black cloak in Blood Lust
- 22:09:46: 86.3% of my Twitter followers are fauxlowers! How about you?
- 22:15:40: good night tweets luv ya all and I #followfriday @ HotAlphaFemale @rubberducknessi @Dragon_mcbain @PNPloveOB @CharlesHercules @kellysparrow
- 22:15:58: I also #followfriday @ gigi4462 @ReturnedCheck @twdoctortom @Jack4Will @neuroaster @mrmistr @sianaolivo @ChedLap
- 22:16:26: goodnight tweets I'm going to sleep
- 22:21:38: Just attacked @ nickoi and won $10!
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