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Comments 6

rheakurokawa May 17 2010, 15:24:28 UTC
*pulls out a lighter, waves with it in the air*
*cue in Ozzy Osbourne's "Dreamer"*

hahahahahah &hearts


magnuminium May 19 2010, 16:34:46 UTC
ja sam ovo davno uradila, mislim da je poprilichno tachno.
jao da ti pokazhem, sinoc mi je bilo dosadno i uzela sam neke tinejdzerske zajebancije da radim koje nisam od srednje shkole i prevrnula sam se od smeha na rezultate. xDDD

http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e122/jecapereca/mash.jpg xDD


raven_meadowes June 18 2010, 14:35:52 UTC
Izvini.. odgovaram skroz retroaktivno na poruke. D:
Ali, nisam mogla da ih ostavim bez odgovora...

ahaha, ovo je sjajno. <3
Ja sam davno radila taj MASH kviz. xD
Muz mi je bio Zero, imali smo 7-oro dece i vozili smo Stojadina u duginim bojama, a ziveli "under the sea". I hi-5s za isto zanimanje! :'D Cistaci rulaju svetom. xD


phoenix_engel July 26 2010, 23:06:54 UTC
Haha I got INTP - The Engineer ;)


raven_meadowes July 28 2010, 14:13:51 UTC
"Engineer' sounds much more productive than a "dreamer". I should envy you. :D


phoenix_engel July 28 2010, 21:09:20 UTC
There's nothing wrong with being a dreamer! I myself would prefer to dream more often other than being that rational about everything. Hence my life goes nowhere ;)
I was kinda stunned that for job proposals I got stuff I was actually thinking about pursuing back in the days, like translator, psychologist or actor ... thinking about and back in the days are the keywords here.

"INTPs are logical, individualistic, reserved, and very curious individuals. They focus on ideas, theories and the explanation of how things work. They are especially adept at discussions and debate. They have the ability to focus intently on a subject. They appreciate and respect intelligence in others."


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