This was created for
DSG a rather nifty art group thing I used to do frequently. Basicly you get a concept for an image and create one within 45 minutes. I admit this one was pushing that limit a little.
In other news....well, I am hopefully going to sart driving lessons soon! I have the application from for a provisional liscence sitting on the pc desk right now :). I doubt I'll be able to afford running a car anytime soon, really, but it seems like a pretty good life skill to have. The parents are going to see about getting the family car insured for a maniac er learner like we'll see how that goes.
School is manic, as usual. I'm at the "Oh my fucking god I have nine weeks until study leave and then I'll have two months of exams" stage atm...which involves doing all sort of silly panics. Left alone by myself without anything to do for a few minutes and I can drive myself insane rather amusingly :P.
Also have been having messed up dreams which those of you who ask me well enough can ask me about in person....I don't particularly want to post it up here. Might be stress.