Yuletide letter beneath the cut. Yay!
It's that time again. Yuletide cometh, and thus, my Dear Yuletide Santa letter followeth:
Dear Yuletide Santa,
Thank you, first of all. Thank you for your time and your effort and good karma. Please take all of the following comments as suggestion only. Any kind of stories being written for any of these fandoms would be awesome. And as long as you're happy with the story you wrote, then it's all good. Don't stress yourself out over the details.
In general: I like stories where something happens, meaning there is change in the status quo, no matter how small. Conversely, I'm not very fond of the angsty soliloquy pieces where a character self-analyzes him or herself for eight pages and tells me nothing new. Not that angsty soliloquy's are inherently bad, of course, but I've already read the book or seen the movie, and I want to know what happens next. Or before. Or meanwhile. Or someone else's POV.
More fandom specific rambling...
Eerie Indiana: This is the story I ask for every year. I saw the last half of "Eerie" long before I saw the first half. So, I am an unrepentant Dash X fan. And was absolutely gutted to find out that we never got any resolution to "The Loyal Order of Corn" and Dash's past. But I'd be equally happy following Marshall and Simon on another case, or learning what Mr. Radford does with all the overstock from The World O' Stuff. For this fandom, please stick to gen or het unless you're really comfortable with the characters.
The Graveyard Book: I love this book. Then again, I love just about everything Neil Gaiman's written. The humor, the dialogue, the fact that nobody in the book is ashamed of being exactly what they are - it's a world I really want to see more of. As I mentioned before, Miss Lupescu, Silas, and Bod are my favorites, but don't let that limit you in the slightest. If you're keen on writing the history of the Sleer, the man Jack's Last Will and Testament, or the nine things that Liza Hempstock has learned about being dead, go for it.
Flame of Recca: This request is mostly coming out of my experiences with the older fandom. There really wasn't much slash ficton for the series back in the late 90s when I discovered it, and I only ever found one halfway decent Recca/Mikagami fic. Gen or het is fine too, and feel free to pair people up however you want. One caveat - the whole show is about over-the-top fighters who are constantly taunting and challenging each other. I'd like it if that part weren't left out completely.
Ladyhawke: The movie's a childhood favorite. I'm afraid I'm short on ideas for this one, except I always wished we'd seen a little more magic, and that they hadn't cut away quite so fast at the end so we could have seen what happened next. Mouse is my favorite character - I'll admit to crushing on Matthew Broderick pretty hard - but I loved everybody in the movie. Navarre, Isabeau, Imperious - I ever thought the Bishop and his henchman were pretty cool. You can't go wrong with any of them.
So thank you again, and happy writing!