"I like it when you call me by name." DUDE.
Anyway. I have more doodles, other artistic stupidity, some con notes and a tiny bit of squee over the end of the season before I seriously need sleep.
DragonCon was excellent -- sucks that all the plans for it fell apart, because it would have been much nicer to buy a two-day pass or something at the door than to have had a full-on everything-goes pass months and months in advance when I didn't really get to spend more than one full day at-con. But whatever. Went in Friday night and did the Star Wars MST3K, highly amusing; went back Saturday around 9 a.m. and stayed all day, left around... 6? 7? I would have stayed later, but the only other thing I really wanted to do was go through the art show, and it closed at 7, and there weren't any screenings of interesting things or things I hadn't already seen... so. Back again briefly Sunday morning for one last run-through of the Dealer's Room (got my Face of Boe! he watches over my computer now) and some farewell pictures. Did a couple of panels, both very interesting... didn't get any autographs for people, the authors either didn't show up or were doing signings on Monday, but oh well... came in a bit late to the parade, which started an hour earlier than the program said, but I think all I really missed was the anime. And I didn't get to go to the Masquerade, which is Sunday night -- that's probably the only real disappointment; the Masquerade is always wonderful.
But it was wonderful enough just being there. There's something actually very soothing about the fen collective. Fans in general are very nice people, I tend to find, especially in mass-gathering situations like cons. Maybe there are some drunken and destructive ones (that's what room parties are for), but for the most part fans seem to be a very mellow bunch. We like to go on and on about stories, and we like to pretend we are different people, and we're a bit weird in the head, all told. But we hold doors and we grin and say "hi" and "thanks" and tell each other how awesome our costumes are or how well we did at a panel; we back each other up when we're standing on the Walk of Fame in front of someone who leaves us so starstruck we can't breathe and we encourage each other to be proud of our small achievements, like walking up to someone we admire and shaking their hand; we tend, on a whole, not to judge each other, because the rest of the world does enough judging towards us already. Maybe our only downfall is a lack of an intimate relationship with showers.
I like fans. I like associating with that demographic. I like being the one who goes up and thanks the poor hotel staff woman who had to spend all freaking day standing in one spot and repeating "If you're trying to get to the Hilton, go down these stairs and take a left, blah blah etc" over and over. I like that I'm probably not the only one who thanked her for doing a tedious job without complaining or taking it out on us friendly crazies, because fans tend to notice it when non-fans are nice to them, and they tend to be grateful.
I'm generalizing a lot, I know, but honestly I've never, ever been to a convention (and I've been to a lot now) where someone judged me or was rude in any way. After I left the con Sunday, we went over to the Dekalb World Market for some groceries, and as Dad and I were checking out, this man walks by with a staff member trailing after him -- the staff man obviously trying to explain something simple, but in a very thick and broken accent -- and this utter asswipe of a guy is like, "Get out of my face, learn English you retard, you have no idea what you're talking about so just go back and scrub the toilets or something." And I swear I wanted to turn around as we were leaving and look that guy in the eyes and tell him that he was a worthless excuse for a human being and that I was ashamed for him. And I would have meant it, oh, would I have meant it. It made me miss the convention more than anything.
Anyway. I promised squeeage, but I'm so freaking tired, it'll have to wait until tomorrow. (I LOVE the Master. The Master kicks so much ass it's not even funny omg. And I absolutely love how obviously they made Simm!Master into a corrupted version of the Doctor -- he even calls Lucy his "companion" -- he has the deadly screwdriver, the laser screwdriver, so vitally different from the harmless sonic one -- he wears the suit, but always black -- and the acting, god the acting is sheer brilliance. And the drums. The madness... And the Doctor's line, the most telling line: "I was the one who ran." Plus, Gallifrey flashback bonus!)
Oh well, there was a bit of squee anyway; more later.
"Don't cross the timelines!"
OSHIT IT'S SATAN (run away!)
So what is the Doctor's opinion of his past incarnations, anyway? How much of that personality change is intentional? It could be just another way of running.
Remember I said I was doing the silly Miffy coloring book project for my Edinburgh friends?
Doctors 1 & 2 are finished.
Aaaand Doctors 9, 10 & 4 were doodled in Philosophy.
And my favorite:
It looks a bit wonky, but try covering each side with your hand. I never draw "real" people, so considering it was done from memory in the middle of class, it's hella good portraiture for me. Plus it was inordinately fun to draw. XD
And last but not least -- I've been getting bored with my clothes. They're still perfectly wearable and I don't want to get rid of them, but I do find myself itching to just change them all somehow. All my shirts need to be taken in or reworked into something other than t-shirts somehow... or, in the case of the plain, solid-color ones, they need to be PAINTED ON!
My camera was being a bitch, so this is a scan, but it's good enough. This is acrylic paint mixed with textile medium on a red long-sleeved t-shirt. It's wearable as-is, but I have a larger plan for the whole thing... it might be too ambitious, but I hope I can pull it off. It's sort of a mural shirt -- no space left unfilled. This is all I have planned so far:
Hopefully you can read my notes on there. Any suggestions or opinions on the design? Because I think I really have settled for NO companions and NO other Doctors... too complicated, and besides, two facial portraits are difficult enough. I've never done portraits in any kind of paint, and certainly not on fabric. So... a Dalek for the side opposite Gallifrey? Make it a sort of epic Time War shirt, Doctor/Master, Gallifrey/Dalek, blah blah? Or add in more things to make it less pretentiously epic? I'm not sure.
If nothing else I can leave it as just the logo and it'll be good. (That logo is deceptively hard to recreate!)
And now, DEFINITELY time for sleep. I have an 8 a.m. class. Grr...