Nine years ago today, the guy who'd been my best friend in the world for half my life died suddenly and unexpectedly. I still find myself missing him, and would give all sorts of things to have him back.
In other news, I found that the Census is stirring back to life again. I'll be going down to Des Moines this Monday, to take a couple of hours' worth of training. Since they've got till the end of September to get it done, I am hoping that I'll at least get some work in (and some pay, whee!) this time. Last time around, after all that build-up with training at home, I got three days' worth of work in before they called it off.
I'm sick and tired of this Covid-19 scare; I'm of the opinion that, unless one is more susceptible than the norm (immunocompromised or very old) it's not that bad. The way that the stupid thing has been politicized by both sides hasn't helped any. But we can't, can't, can't keep this endless lockdown going forever. If this sounds callous, I'm sorry, but facts are facts.
I'm also sick of, and infuriated by, these endless riots. Nooo, they are not peaceful protests! The second that rocks are thrown, the second that fires are set, the second that people are assaulted, the second windows are smashed, it is no longer a "peaceful protest." I wouldn't mind seeing the National Guard hosing these swine down with quad .50 machine guns...and making sure to get the lying, whorish, crypto-Communist "newsmen" who keep calling them "peaceful protestors." FWIW, I don't care about Saint George Floyd, Saint Raysheard of Seattle, Saint Michael Brown the Gentle Giant, or any of the other phony "martyrs" they gin up. Every last one of them, without exception, was guilty of at least resisting arrest, and often a great deal more. And they burned the Uncles. For that, there can be no forgiveness.