I'm not sure if this is the answer you were looking for, but I like the idea that the opposite of love isn't hate, it's apathy. I feel like I'm done with someone when I don't ask mutual friends for information because I could care less if they were doing great or not. When all I can remember the good times and the lessons learned, but the only emotion I have left is thankful that I'm not involved in that situation any more. That's try of old lovers and old life situation that weren't working out.
Amy is right, but that's the result of letting go. Letting go is an action. It's consciously battling your brain every time something sneaks in to remind you of a situation. It's writing your feelings and thoughts down, and then shutting the door when they rise up again. It's battling yourself for a time until your brain is retrained to do the "right thing"...
You must take thoughts, memories, emotions and so forth and lock them away into seperate compartments.....memories are fine so long as the emotions attached to them are no longer present. It then merely becomes information. All it takes is a bit of willpower and self-discipline to organize your mind. Until one can control their own mental state, it is pointless to try to affect anything outside of yourself. Your happiness should never be dependant upon another person because people will always fail you, without exception. You must be your own favorite hero.
Comments 7
You must take thoughts, memories, emotions and so forth and lock them away into seperate compartments.....memories are fine so long as the emotions attached to them are no longer present. It then merely becomes information. All it takes is a bit of willpower and self-discipline to organize your mind. Until one can control their own mental state, it is pointless to try to affect anything outside of yourself. Your happiness should never be dependant upon another person because people will always fail you, without exception. You must be your own favorite hero.
How true I have found this to be, unfortunately.......
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