Welcome to 2015...whiny Anna ahead...

Jan 23, 2015 15:55

The year started off well. Business was good. The husband and I have a stronger relationship and it's wonderful. I cleaned through my closets and collected two bags of stuff to donate and one box of items set for Ebay. All was well.

Now the wheel bearing on the front passenger side of my car so bad to the point of where it screwed up my brake rotor. It was a repair that I knew had to happen soon, but this week it got worse. I had to take a personal day to get it repaired, which I never do. Then they saw that the brake rotor was totally worn out and damaged, because of the bearing. So it's still in the garage until the brake part comes in. Thank goodness my husband works where we can get the parts for cheap.
On top of that our washer and dryer are fading. The dryer needs two cycles to properly wash anything and the washer won't spin anymore. Of course, we're two months outside warranty. Hopefully we can do the repairs ourselves. It seems simple enough, I hope.

We barely make it from paycheck to paycheck sometimes and now all these repairs at once. Maybe February will be brighter?

It's ok. We're making cuts. Going to cut off all but basic cable and internet soon. It's easier to spend $10 here and there on Netflix and Crunchyroll, then $150 for all our premium channels and internet. Hopefully all my stuff on Ebay will sell so we will have those funds back and can take of other things. This year the goal is to pay off, at least, two credit cards. Little by little is all it takes. It will be a total struggle for the next two months, but we will survive it.

2015 hasn't broken me yet, but it's already wearing me down.

Edited to add: Also come to find that one of my brake pads BROKE completely off and was just grinding against the rotor and caliper!! Yupp. Fantastic, huh? I was probably one day away from losing my brakes completely.
BUT, everything is all fixed on my car and happy. I don't need any major maintenance for a good long while. At least it didn't get worse, because I know what could have happened if I waited any longer.

#2015 #financialrant #rant #everythingbr

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