Gentleman and kind ladies. I am sorry to inform you that the one you knew who usually writes in this journal is taking the night off on account of he needs his rest, his rest of caring for the outside world. I am his inner being Ravenous himself. Nice to meet you all as it detests me to watch your existance through the kind boy's eyes. It is pitiful of how he looks at girls who dont want him in courtship, yet he still does it to this day. Typical human behavior to desire something they cant have. Then again what do women desire? There are women who claim to want the "right" guy which usually includes being treated like waste. heh. It seems my better half is rubbing off. Why waste time talking about women's flaws. They are but heavenly bodies shrouded in enigma, entrancing men and ensnaring them to do their bidding.
It has been of late, when my weak counterpart talked with his previous lady. She had made him do something he didnt want to and ridiculed him for the act she herself requested. The wanton whore shouldn't have forced him but she did. It hurt him so when she pierced his heart with an already blood-stained dagger that she had used more than once on him. The fool. He is so naive to realize the truth that it is pointless to even look at those rotten creatures. But he strifes not, for his lips are sealed with a divine lock being the nice boy he is :) I wish I could fulfill his thoughts of blood and chaos but I wouldn't be able to stop for him, because his hate runs deep. Curse you all you mortal filth. Soon there will be no use for you all to live in this world anymore. When that day comes, I shall be there to take your putrid, vile souls