I'm starting a journal for my small business, Black Unicorn Wood. This journal will detail my experiences making and selling geeky accessories at pop-culture conventions.
I am very relieved that the rest of the cons I am vending at for 2014 are all within commuting distance. Not that I don't enjoy traveling, but I'm quite done with it for this year.
After more than a year of just wanting kibble, Kerrigan has decided she likes canned food again. This is a good thing, because Dr. H wants her to have it more often
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On the advice of lostsatyr, I've begun using some of the myriad "cute kitty" pictures I've taken over the years, paired with witty captions, on buttons.
So I have a new line, and people get to look at cute pictures of my cats. What's not to like? :)
Yuriko likes to sleep with me and C; lately, she's been sleeping at the foot of the bed, snuggled in between the two of us - I assume for both warmth and security.
If I'm reading in bed, she climbs up onto my chest - "Pay attention to me, Mom - not the book!" - and head-butts me until I pet her.