But that's not the important part.
I reread the wank thread that went on over at HMS_STFU and tried searching other places, but
does anyone know where white women tears was even mentioned concerning STFU? I'm lost.
And note to the anons: white women tears can not be racist nor misogynist. It is a counter attack on white womenhood (or white women
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Comments 30
I'd say that has more to do with sexism within your ethnic group. Unless you mean that not everyone within your community is/looks white?
Let me clarify though, everything that I'm explaining (even the links I give) are more centered around U.S./North America race issues. White privilege is a worldwide thing, but I know things get slightly different depending what country or culture you're in since race is handled differently in different places. My only issue for this post was the anons' interpretation of white women tears, which I don't know how it exists out side U.S./Canada.
"That skin does not give me that much privilige, because no matter how white my skin is I don't posses a penis in my ethnic group and that is a drawback to having brains it seems."
Mostly because my mother is Japanese and my father is Caucasian, and that I look more white than Asian, but the way some people treat me can vary dramatically on whether or not they believe that I am white or have an Asian parent. Very funny and edgy lines like 'You have big breasts for an Asian' and 'Why do girls in Japanese/Asian porn cry? LOL'... are situations that aren't usually presented when somebody thinks I'm simply a white woman
The term itself was created by a WOC in response to the sexism and racism by white women. It's also been used to fuel more of a reference to White woman syndrome. (I know of a handful of news reports within the last 2 decades of white American women faking a crime/attack against them and blaming it on a made up POC ( ... )
I have nothing against labeling and calling out the action the term refers to. It needs to be called out and people need to stop aiding and abetting white people who are crying about being called racist instead of actually looking at what they did.
The interpretations you give are not ones I've encountered, but white women tears has nothing to do with labeling white women as more racist or that one is "acting like a woman by crying."
I didn't mean those as interpretations of what the phrase actually refers to - they're interpretations of how the words of the phrase itself break down. If it's accurate and "white women's tears" needs to be "white women's tears" in order to make sense, either only white women do the whole "whhyyyyy have I been called racist, woe is me" bit or men who do it are considered to be acting like ( ... )
And why or how would it be broken down that way if its already established why the term was created? If anyone is using it to attack white women just for attacking white women, then I wouldn't agree with that.
"As far as I can tell, white women's entitlement stems from the same sexist impulses that would cause white men to rush to their aid - being treated as though one is fragile and delicate and needs protection can lead to feeling that one deserves it."Yes, it stems from white privilege and white patriarchy, but both are still using it according to their gender. White men are doing the saving, and white women are the "damsel in ( ... )
Also, apparently I represent 20% of the male population of LiveJournal. Who knew?
I don't follow HMS_STFU, but I don't even know what thread all this is going on in? And apparently it's shut down the community now?
That's the surface of it. The link I give in my post go into the nuances of it.
All the wank is in the last post before all the mod posts (5th one down). The wank triggered it, but honestly, I think the mods thought it was best to retire the comm anyway due to fandom not being as active as it used to be. Wank like this hardly ever happens there often. And it was mostly from anon trolls anyway.
I did not! Just getting caught up.
I'm just commenting on what someone from hp_anon said about the wank, which really had nothing to do with the wank. If that makes sense. :-p
As much as anything that happens on hp_anon ever does!
As for the phrase, "white women's tears"...I'd say it definitely isn't a racist phrase, as white people are in the majority slot and can't be oppressed about being white. With regards to sexism, I think it can get tricky. On the one hand, it is specific that it's about *white* women's tears, not all women's tears, but on the other hand, there is the unfortunate implication that women are de-facto criers and do it only to manipulate. Perhaps "white women's ego trip" would be a better phrase in general (since not every woman will react with tears, even if that is the stereotype). Having said all that, I’m personally not fussed about the phrase “white women’s tears” as it does come off to me as having the emphasis on white and is thus speaking about white woman syndrome.
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