Well from all this i learned a small but valuable lesson. Being helpfull to people on this livejournal is truthfully not worth my time; obviously because someone doesn't seem to like feeling unhelpfull.
You still know how to reach me, if you change sns you should notify me obviously, because my sn is private, so i'd need to add you.
My replies on any of your entries whatsoever will stop here, untill someone learns to either be a good critic, to leave comments that make any sort of valuable sense, or to just stay silent if he has nothing intelligent or relevant to say like he's so well done for your past few entries.
well, i know i'm childish but shouldn't the more "adult" person know when to stop bantering the child? O.o think about this XP and Childhood is a wonderfully place to get stuck in! XD sorry about the dream Raver In Training!
Get informed before speaking; the situation has spread further than this journal; i would have stopped if the child hadn't gone and plagued my journal. I spent a good 20 minutes deleting useless comment after useless comment.
I'd prefer you not get involved unless you know the situation in exactitude; because your judgement of the said situation can be biased towards defending your friends, rather than the people you dont know.
*blink blink* well, i wasn't really defending anyways, and i'm sure evryone has there reasons, *shrugs* i just felt like making a random comment since there were so many! ^^; i'm silly like that! *sticks out hand in a friendly way* I'm Katree, nice to meet you!
Comments 32
You still know how to reach me, if you change sns you should notify me obviously, because my sn is private, so i'd need to add you.
My replies on any of your entries whatsoever will stop here, untill someone learns to either be a good critic, to leave comments that make any sort of valuable sense, or to just stay silent if he has nothing intelligent or relevant to say like he's so well done for your past few entries.
nx sys z
if you sn is no longer pira lia or kethwyn (something) then leave it here so i can add you.
I'd prefer you not get involved unless you know the situation in exactitude; because your judgement of the said situation can be biased towards defending your friends, rather than the people you dont know.
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