Yay I think I'm finally getting back into the swing of things. I mean I still can't really draw all that much but I'm bringing my sketchbook to work with my everyday and doodling during my lunch break just to try and get some creativity back into my life. It's quite aggrivating not being able to think of anything to draw because it's one of the things I prize most in myself but all I can do is keep trying until I can get rid of this massive art block and actually be able to draw.
At work I'm trying my best to motivate myself into working hard and well but its difficult when work is as dull as this is. I spent the last 2 days resizing photos of bottles of wine. for 8 hours each day. Talk about boring right? XD
I got a new tv! It's an ultra fancy 32" HD LCD Samsung tv. I spent much more on it then I was intending too but then I decided that it was worth it. After all since I'm big into gaming and such the tv would most certianly get lots of use. I was also intending on only getting a 24" tv becuase of the size of my current room but then I was reminded that 1) we would be moving into a new house at the end of the summer and that room would be much bigger and 2) that the bigger the tv the better deal you get. The 24" tvs were almost 400 euro and they werent hd where as the 32" hd tv was 500 euro so I decided to just take a leap and get it. I must admit I'm delighted I did. I mean in my current room the tv looks so massive but in a really cool way.
To celebrate the buying of this new tv I finally got Final Fantasy XIII for the Xbox 360. Now if ONE other person says how inferior it is on the Xbox in comparison to the PS3 I swear to god I am going to choak a bitch. I mean seriously get over yourself. The graphics are supposedly a tiny bit toned down on the Xbox 360 verison but not to any extent that it's noticable. The one excuse everyone I've talked to has used is: "But it's on three discs." OH MY GOD SO WHAT?! I mean seriously it's not a big deal. Infact I kinda like it. It breaks up the game slightly which means that I don't feel that it's as long as it is. More importantly I'd rather get the game on 3 discs then fork out 400 euro for a frigging ps3. I mean can you guys please get over yourselves? It's so stupid. I'm just happy I have an Xbox 360 so I can play it. It's really starting to annoy me because atleast 5 of my friends have said this to me and it's getting aggrivating. Please just get over yourselves. Woop-de-do you have a frigging PS3. Good for you! I mean if I could afford one I would get a ps3 but since I don't use my xbox as much as I'd like to be I don't see the point on getting a ps3 at all.
Now onto Final Fantasy XIII. First of all, I just got onto disc two of the game from anyone who's also playing (for anyone whos not using the xbox version this is about 10 hours into the game) and at the moment I'm really really liking the game. I mean all I've heard about this game is negativity and I don't userstand why. Yeah it's taking a completely different approach to the series but I don't think it's a bad thing. Yeah it's completely linear but with a story as linear as the story they've brought in I think it works very well. Okay I would like some towns but I mean it's not a complete travisty that they're not there. Most importantly I LOVE the new battle system. It's lots of fun and makes you feel that you're fighting in real time rather then in turns. It's also quick and does take a good bit of strategy, especially with bigger bosses and groups of enemys. The one thing I feel odd about is that I'm still getting tutorials for battle and I'm about 10 hours into the game. Yes I suppose the new system is that complicated but it's still kinda wierd. I like the "leveling up system" as well as most importantly, I like the characters. Aparently I'm a minority in this respect. Most people I've talked to don't like the character much but what can I say, I like them. I love the story line. It's very indepth and interesting and I like how the characters have come together. I just like it. It's one of the first final fantasys I've played in quite some time and I'm really enjoying it. Plus the graphics look so amazing on the new tv!
Other then that I haven't been doing much. Trawling the internet, looking at pretty dresses and trying to decided what to buy with the rest of my tax money. I'm really hoping that I get next weekend off work now so I can got to tralee for my friends 21st followed by the lolita meet up in dublin. Very excited about this! =D
Last weekend I went to visit Sachas family in Galway. It was lots of fun, especially because the weather was so beautiful and because his siblings on his fathers side are all under the age of 7 which means we got to spend the day playing in the garden with them. My shoulders got burned as well which was both kinda funny and rather embaressing. To tell the truth it is easy to feel relaxed with his family because of the three children. We had a bbq both days as well which was nice. His siblings are so cute as well. Altogether it was a very fun weekend and I'm definatly glad I decided to go with him.
I'm off this weekend as well despite not asking for it off which I'm slightly worried about because this is the second time they've done this too me recently. I'm hoping that they still give me hours. Something similar happened to me last summer and they thought that I wasn't working there anymore and I don't want to deal with that again, mainly because if it happens again I'm probably just going to quit and look for a new job. I know they're hard to come by but if they're going to do this to me again after working there for almost 2 years they can bugger off. Especially if they've not put me down for this weekend but now I'm worried they'll but me down for next weekend which will completely ruin my plans. I suppose I'll have to wait and see. X-x
Other then that I'm not doing much. Also if anyone has any suggestions for really nice lolita jsks in a sort of classic style I'd really apprciate it!