Dude, I am COMPLETELY itchy from yesterday. Horrible. Just finished seeing the special features on the Phantom of the Opera dvd. I really liked the fact that they also did a special on the actual stage version. That was muy interesante.
I'll follow Lauren [and go figure, we even have a few of the same answers!] I'm gonna hella cheat on this thing and give more than one answer most of the time because I'm so indecisive...:
if I were a day of the week I would be: either Friday night or the whole of Saturday
if I were a time of day I would be: Nap time or dawn
if I were a planet I would be: the Moon or maybe even Mars! Ooo, can I be Titan? It's a moon...
if I were a direction I would be: Uhhhh north...east...west? or... wait... I DON'T KNOW! I have no sense of direction anyways...
if I were a piece of furniture I would be: an ottoman or the most comfy couch
if I were a musical instrument I would be: grand piano or acoustic guitar
if I were a liquid I would be: Soda. Yes, I know, I'm bad for people. Tell me something I don't know
if I were a tree I would be: A Japanese Maple [it's right outside one of my windows, the red is such a beautiful contrast to the white of the sky in winter]
if I were a flower/plant I would be: A DAISY! OR A DANDELION! [okay okay, maybe not. That answer was purely for Tammi, Terika, and Andrew's amusement even though not all read my journal]
if I were a kind of weather I would be: Rain in winter or the cool breeze that cancels out the heat of the sun
if I were a flavor I would be: Vanilla.
if I were an animal I would be: A penguin!!! or a lion maybe...
if I were a feeling I would be: Reminiscent or pensive
if I were an article of clothing I would be: good ole reliable jeans or maybe even a scarf
If I were a crayon I would be: gray or red
if I were a playing card I would be: Ace of spades
if I were a color I would be: Crimson red or black
if I were a sound I would be: The soothing sound of rippling water at night
if I were an element I would be: fire or earth. [periodic table - iron? I don't know, Lauren confused me. I think they MEANT between the basic elements!]
if I were a song I would be: Gah, too many! "Weight of It All" by Matt Nathanson or "Such Great Heights" by The Postal Service. Can I also say "If I Never Knew You" by Jon Secada and Shanice? [Will I get in trouble for adding "Come On" by Ben Jelen too?]
if I were a poem I would be: Preferably one with layers of depth in which each reader reads in-between the lines to catch meaning [although I hate interpreting these kinds!]
if I were a movie I would be: Emperor's New Groove or Beauty and the Beast. [so I live for animation, something wrong with that?]
if I were a food I would be: Tofu in soy sauce with rice, yummage.
if I were a place I would be: ANTIOCH! No, just kidding. Ummm, can I say a nice comfy bed in which I love sleeping on? That's my favorite place... but check out the cities I'd be and there's your answer.
if I were a shape I would be: A triangle!
if I were a taste I would be: Cinnamon
if I were a smell I would be: Lemon or Cotton Blossom
if I were an object I would be: A warm blanket
if I were a body part I would be: Hands/wrists
if I were a facial expression I would be: Amused or at least one that would include a smirk
if I were a number I would be: 3
if I was a swear word I would be: Damn or maybe even 'the eff word'. Depends on my mood...
if I had a nickname it would be: Mel, none of that 'Lissa' business.
if I were a word I'd be: Kuzcotopia
if I were a book, it would be: Dystopian, I blame Vanek for that, he made me like most of those books last year.
if I were a shoe, it would be: tennis shoes. I also tend to have a love/hate relationship with strappy heels.
if I were a piece of playground equipment I would be: The thing in which most kids would get hurt on. Haha, just kidding. I guess the easiest answer for me would be the swings
if I were a stick of gum, the brand would be: Orbit
if I was a actor/actress I'd be: I'm almost ready to say Emmy Rossum just for the simple fact that she got BOTH of them in Phantom of the Opera! But I don't know. I'd have to think on it a bit more.
if I was a band, I'd be: I totally get the whole picking Jonny Lang. I, too, want to know how it feels to rock out like that
if I were a coffee brand I'd be: No coffee, thank you. I prefer hot chocolate
if I were something sharp, I'd be: A ritual athame or a dagger. [and no, I did not choose scissors]
if I were a stone, I'd be: Not sure, dare I say diamond?
if I were a comp game, I'd be: Not too sure
if I were a job, I'd be: a movie editor but that doesn't pay enough
if I were a brand of water I'd be: Dasani? I don't know
If I was a country I'd be: England [other choices would be Italy or Japan]
If I was a ocean or body of water I'd be: A lake... not sure which one, but a nice pretty one. Or Hanauma Bay in Hawaii [not a big fan of Hawaii but that was beautiful]
If I was a piece of candy I'd be: Reese's Fastbreak [fattening, yet satisfying]
If I was a building or piece of architecture I'd be: Big Ben! Haha, actually, no clue. I like clocks though...
If I was a store I'd be: I guess I'm doomed to sell portapotties with Lauren...
If I was a brand of shoe I'd be: Puma
If I was a bad habit I'd be: Tapping my foot when concentrating on something [or making an annoying sound with my lips to annoy Lauren. Hahaha, it's fun but it makes my lips all numb...]
If I was a ice cream flavor I'd be: Cookies and Cream! I also like Coldstone's peanut butter and chocolate combination thing, soooo good
If I was a disease I'd be: Can I be a phobia?
If I was a board game I'd be: Clue
If I was a city I'd be: I should pick somewhere I've been... Ketchiken, Alaska or Los Angeles, California.
If I were a month, I'd be: November [I love the Thanksgiving meal...]
If I were a sea animal, I'd be: Can a penguin PLEASE count? If not, an... otter? NO, a TURTLE!
If I were a sin, I'd be: Sloth or Pride [maybe a little Envy mixed in sadly]
If I were a vegetable, I'd be: Spinach with sesame seeds in it [sounds strange but its this Japanese mix my grandma uses, tastes yummy]
If I were a material, I'd be: Satin or cotton
If I were a mythical creature, I'd be: A goddess or maybe a witch, depends on what practice it entails.[or at least a friend of a slayer, hahahahahaha!]
I don't think I'm going to the festival tomorrow. I'm sorry.