yeah this should be included in your auto insurance. If the insurance company tries dicking you around you should consider calling a lawyer. You should be able to get at least 30 minutes of free legal advise from someone who actually knows what they are talking about. You shouldn't have to prove the fault of someone else. You didn't run a red light unless a traffic camera saw it.....
I said prove the fault of the other guy because if it's not HIS fault then HIS insurance isn't paying for jackshit. I may be able to get out of the ticket but not the health bills (may well be my out of pocket max, at this rate, since Harborview is out of network for my health insurance so they're probably not going to pay even as much as they would were it swedish), or be reimbursed for the seven full days I took off work, etc.
I would seriously recommend talking with a lawyer at this point.
October 23 2008, 06:13:39 UTC
What have you got to lose after all, but 20 minutes of your time? Terry Church was my lawyer when that van ran into my car on the freeway, he's a good guy a would definitely give some free advice. 360-867-9233. love, Guido
Re: I would seriously recommend talking with a lawyer at this point.rawlinsOctober 23 2008, 06:25:20 UTC
Thanks for the referral. The only thing I'm actually waiting for to talk to a lawyer is the police report so I'm at least that informed for the conversation.
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