Name Meghan Elizabeth
Age 16
Sexual Orientation boys for me
Favorite color unicorn teal
Bands Something Coroprate, Le Tigre, Fall out boy, My Chemical Romance, The Academy Is..., Mae, Relient K, The Kills, Emanuel, The Who, Queen, The Beatles
Movies Benny and Joon, Edward Scissorhands, Bambi, Malcolm X, The Notebook, etc
Books Crank, What My Mother Doesnt Know, Hard Love, Farenheit 451, 1984
Likes Sharpies, Converse, Thunderstorms, rain, music, piano, friends, bestfriends, bowling, tennis, lacrosse, french, writing, reading, politics, debating, theatre, sound design
Dislikes ignorance, bad grammar, people who think they know everything about everything, people who try too hard, fake people, racism, etc
What to do you think of the mods?:
[info]___righton: she's teally cool ... she joined my community and I adore her!
[info]hardxcorekid: she's really pretty and seems cool
[info]jesusxlovesxxme: gorgeous and i love her gagues
[info]coheedforever: love her username and she's pretty
Why did you want to join this community bc dinosaurs fucking rock and this seems like a pretty rad community.
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