Title: The One I Love (R.E.M)
Fandom, Pairing: Torchwood, Jack/Ianto
Rating: PG13 for angst
Genre: Angst, Drama, Romance, SongFic
Disclaimer: Not mine. Simple as, lol x
Warnings: Spoilers for Torchwood series one, and Doctor Who Series 3
Short Summary: The Year That Never Was - "This one goes out to the one I love"
Notes: unbetaed. Fix if you can xx
In the dark, silence is pure terror. A deep painful fear, seeping through walls and under doors, into the hearts of all poor souls aboard. Blackening them. Driving out the hope.
But one stays untouched by the darkness. And never silent.
“This one goes out to the one I love
This one goes out to the one I’ve left behind
A simple prop, to occupy my time
This one goes out to the one I love”
A soft crooning voice, filling the deepest darkest vaults of the Valiant, interrupted every so often by a piercing scream, or a sob, or just a simple whimper. Yelling and insane laughter tries to drown out the singing, but it doesn’t stop.
Chained, starved and beaten, Captain Jack Harkness closes himself off from everything. Normal humans would have gone mad, given up, or simply died. But not Jack. He keeps going, holding onto happy memories.
But a year is a long time. And eventually people, places and entire memories become blackened by hatred and pain.
The blackness spreading like wildfire through his thoughts should have destroyed him.
But it doesn’t. Because there is one memory that not even the Master could turn sour.
“This one goes out to the one I love
This one goes out to the one I left behind
A simple prop, to occupy my time
This one goes out to the one I love”
The memory of kisses, touches, glances, conversations, arguments, fights, tears, blood, pain... and love. Unspoken, unwanted, undeniable love.
The Master continues with his insane actions; breaking bones, crushing limbs, taunting, torturing. In his weakness, Jack’s defences go down. Just for a second, and then the Master is everywhere. Filling the memories with himself, ripping them apart, leaving havoc in his wake. Every element of his mind is searched through, and the Master knows everything. And He laughs. The laughter is inside Jack’s head and he feels sick with it, but just keeps on singing.
“This one goes out to the one I love
This one goes out to the one I’ve left behind”
He has visitors, the master says. Hooded figures shuffle in. The hoods come off and Jack howls with rage. Wide eyes stare at him in terror. Owen, Tosh, Gwen and Ianto; beaten and half starved.
Jack stops singing.
One at a time, the Master brings them forward, hissing poison into their ears, leering at them. Jack can’t watch. He only hears them die. He sobs.
The Master is talking now; he forces Jack’s eyes open. One left.
Tears streak through the grime on both Ianto and his Captain’s faces.
Slashes, shocks, burns.
Drugs, bullets, fists.
Again and again, until finally Ianto Jones feels the cold metal against his temple. Eyes lock, lips move. But neither of them can make a sound.
One shot.
A pool of blood.
A shaking voice.
“A another prop, has occupied my time
This one goes out to the one I love
The voice cracks, and tears fall.